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english reclist

  1. MouseDarkArts

    Single Reclist Avocado Arpasing Reclist and Tutorial 2024-10-06

    > This link is a written tutorial < This is a 3 to 8-mora list composed of: 189 word-based lines, 14 lines of phoneme strings, and 45 lines of vowels. This list contains an index file. It covers: nearly all CV , VC , CC, and VV notes, tapped d's, vowel glottal stops, and beginning & ending...
  2. Thehyami

    Single Reclist oto.ini Easy English CVVC Reclist 80 Lines 4 Moras 4.0

    This reclist is based on the Delta reclist. There is no diphthongs in this reclist. The dipthongs are created using a combination of two monophthongs. SAMPLES: VOWELS: Click (sound) to hear how a vowel sounds like. Sounds are provided by Dvortygirl, Denelson83, and RoachPeter. X-SAMPA...
  3. E

    New to utau and need help

    Hi, I’m new to utau (and voice synth in general) I downloaded teto’s English voice bank and it works fine. However, I wanted to know if it was possible to get her to growl, whisper, and breathe using her English voice bank. I can make her growl and whisper but not on English notes, it only works...
  4. HanatheNeko

    Good English Reclist?

    So, I found this reclist for CV-C, but I don't know if I should try it or not, I want to know if I SHOULD use it, and whether it is a good ust or not.
  5. supaisu

    Single Reclist English CV/CVC/VC Reclist 1.1

    please keep in mind that this is my first time creating a reclist, i'm kind of an utau noob and i may develop it further as i keep thinking of sounds. english is indeed my native language, and here you will see most sounds rendered in an easy-to-read syllable pronounce format. any suggestions...
  6. T

    Single Reclist American and British reclists

    Today I have decided to finally release my English reclists. They are intended to be suitable for either complete or basic CVVC. What I mean is, for example, the word "morning" can be produced as either [mor] [or n] [ni] [i ng], or just [mor] [ni] [i ng]. I must say that even this list is...