odds and ends

  1. socialgutbrain777

    ODDS and ENDS (Anutsu and Stella)

    https://clyp.it/g5mejgnj UST: CodyTaylor Inst: ryo Soundcloud wouldn't stop striking me :annoyed:
  2. ryouichi

    【UTAU】ODDS and ENDS - Short ver. 【優しい音楓ACT1】

    I have JUST made Kaede ACT1 Bi-pitch CV-VV and she sounds ok... I guess. She was recorded with my voice, and I am very male. Oh gee hahahah SHE AN OFFICIAL SIBLING TO KYOU MY BABY IS RELATED TO MY OTHER BABY YESS-- sorry Yaay Soundcloud embeds. Music: Ryo supercell UST: RedFanaticCoreCore Off...