Any idea on how many sounds are in Japanese VCV and English VCV


Momo's Minion
I'm deciding whether to create a Japanese or English VCV voicebank. Does anyone have suggestions on which is easier?


UtaForum power user
Defender of Defoko
To roughly estimate the number of oto entries, you'd multiple the number of vowels by the number of consonants and the number of vowels.
Japanese: 5 x 27 x 5 = 675
English: 25 x 24 x 25 = 15000

If you arrange these into a reclist with multiple syllables per recording then you can divide it by the number of syllables. Let's say 7 for example.
Japanese: 97 recordings
English: 2143 recordings

It should be clear now why VCV English is not very practical, and is almost never done. In fact, this estimate was done with a minimal number of English consonants and vowels, and you'd certainly want more in order to sound natural. The VCV structure also doesn't include consonants at the end of syllables, which English always has!

All of the popular English reclists have a CVVC structure, including PaintedCZ's VCCV English reclist (which has a confusing name, and might be why you accidentally remembered it as VCV). The number of recordings in different reclists will range from 200-1000 and the number of otos is usually about 3000.

Ultimately, I think these are better factors to consider when picking languages:
- What languages am I comfortable pronouncing?
- What language songs do I want to make or cover using my UTAU?
- What language of voicebanks do I enjoy using?

It's best to make a voicebank that you enjoy first and assume that you'll be the main one using it. If any strangers on the internet decide to use it too, that's a bonus, but you certainly don't need to please anyone else if it makes you unhappy. This is supposed to be a fun hobby, after all.

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