Are these features removed from Vocaloid 5?

Bertha Myers

Momo's Minion
So I've been a Vocaloid 4 editor user for quite a while now and now I intend to finally switch over to Vocaloid 5 after watching my friend use it. After trying out his Vocaloid 5 editor a bit, I noticed some limitations in V5 which I didn't face in V4.

1) Quantifying the parameters. For example, when I uptune/detune my singer, Vocaloid 4 used to indicate how far up/down I've gone with the number of "units" I with respect to the maximum number of "units" I can go to. I used to use this feature extensively for microtonal music where I often tuned certain notes by +-30 or +-50 cents. How do I do that in vocaloid 5? How do I know that I've gone up by exactly 50 cents??

2) Line Tool and Pencil tool. So vocaloid 4 could edit your parameters using a straight line tool or a pencil tool which was very smooth. Vocaloid 5 only has a pencil which for some reason isn't smooth at all and makes these "staircase" looking slopes. How do I make a smooth diagonal slope for a long slide to a note, for example?

These are two big problems I found out while playing around with my friend's Vocaloid 5 editor. While I'm thinking of upgrading it because of its various upgrades, these features are a bit too important for me as my music uses it extensively. I would love to know if it's possible to do these things so I can decide whether to buy it or not.

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