UTAU australian and new zealand group


Momo's Minion
HELLO EVERYONE my name is stella and i have made a Australian and new Zealand utau group.
this group is dedicated to Australian and new Zealand, even if your not in Australia or N.Z you can join as members to see and post fanart/stuff you make for the group
oooh ya i forgot to say this is a school/academy like thing if really only if you want

if you are in aus/nz you will join the admins and help me with the group

there will be a application if you do want to join
after i get the application i will give you a present :sing:
i hope you join
group: http://australianloid.deviantart.com/
Application: http://australianloid.deviantart.com/art/UTAU-australianloid-application-sheet-396223950


Teto's Territory
oh wow.. only saw this now..
finally a group for nz and australian utau xD Feel at ease xD

Love to join your group.. but at the moment, it said that "Join requests are closed at this time." ==


Momo's Minion
Thread starter
XD ya sorry about that i think i fix that, and
THANK YOUUUUU im super happy someone wants to join this group, ill add you as a admin right now.
thank you again :love:


Momo's Minion
oo! I'm interested, I don't think I could make an application, cause the artist for my UTAUloid doesn't allow their art to be edited ot re-disturbuted. ^^;;;

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