why is this #cking cricket sound in this note (namine ritsu eve)


Momo's Minion

it's literally an cricket sound in the note "の" in C5. this does not happens in ANY other note and sound, just this one. i don't know how to proceed. please any help?


UtaForum power user
Defender of Defoko
Is this present in the raw sample, or do you only hear it through UTAU?
If present in the raw sample, you may need to adjust the OTO to cut out the noise, or swap in an alternate の from a different pitch in the UST.
If it's only heard through UTAU, it's a distortion artifact from the resampler. Try different resamplers to find which one produces a clearer result.


UtaForum power user
Defender of Defoko
No one resampler is the "best". You will need to try a variety of resamplers to determine which one suits the voicebank you're currently using and fits your own taste.


Momo's Minion
Thread starter
is there any site that i can use to download ther esamplers? i don't know how to search for such things. i also need help with generating the .wav file so i can put in the audacity and merge with the off vocal of the sound.
these are the actual configurations of all the projects that i make. alqays "use resampler dll", and all of them end up being a little weird.
i really need help :sad:


UtaForum power user
Defender of Defoko
These are a few, but not all available resamplers. You can likely find other resamplers around here on UTAforum as well.
If you change the resampler, you must disable resampler.dll, which overrides your selection and prevents you from actually using the selected resampler.

When you're finished editing the UST, you can export a wav file via Project > Render wav file. I would highly recommend using proper music software for mixing the vocals and instrumental. Here's a masterpost of software and plugins that you might find useful: https://utaforum.net/resources/songwriting-resources.181/
You can search youtube for "vocal mixing tutorial". Even if it's not specifically an UTAU tutorial, you will still be able to learn a lot of useful advice from professionals.

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