CV/VCV tips


Momo's Minion
Hello! I want to make my first voicebank and it would be good to know, if I should do a CV or a VCV bank (I have experience with both). And it would be nice, if you could give me some recording tips >.< e.g. how to record a whole bank in E4 (I always record some samples higher than the others..) or how to record the samples at the same volume. You can link me to other threads, too :D Thank youuu for your help :love:


UtaForum power user
Defender of Defoko
Ranking the three major VB types in how easy they are to create, I'd say it's CV, CVVC, then VCV. That's the order you should probably go in.

A good recording program is OREMO. It was created for the purpose of recording UTAU banks. You can download it here.

You MUST have Japanese locale for it to work, even if you get the English version. If you open up a reclist with the samples you want to record, it will automatically save each recording with that file name. OREMO also has a tuner so you can hear a pitch and match it, a way of displaying the pitch of the sample you recorded, and displaying your target pitch on top of it.

As for keeping everything the same volume, the best way to make a consistent bank is to do it all in one session. You should periodically go back to old samples to hear how it sounds and make sure your tone is staying the same. You can also do some processing on the entire folder of samples afterwards, to raise or lower the volumes to the same level overall.

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