I'm thinking of that from a looooooooooooooooooooooot! Since I'm on smule (sing! karaoke application, mainly unfortunately to meet ARab musicians...), there are also lots of smutaite (me also), and I'll curiious to see what can this idea sound. Since we're kinda a community of UTAU voicers (we're?), lots of you know (not as Beyoncé, I guess ahah <3), sing, so I'm thinking: why don't we create a smule Group for a cover? Only an idea, because I know some don't feel confident with singing etc. I'm on smule, maybe not only because of singing for fun, but also to know people who play Arabic instruments (Japanese not? Yeah, there are no koto players... or shamisen, or whatever wagakki)... but I also sing Japanese stuff... so yeah, whatever suggestion?