[♠ ♥ ♣ ♦] SUiT Project [22/06] [Utau Completion Deadline!]


Momo's Minion


Okay since some of you are done, and some you need a bit more time. 20th August is the FINAL DEADLINE [By this date we will have the Utaus(The ones we have) complete]. And by complete
I mean: No editing or refining after this, No extra time. I will request everything all over a again as I go through the list of what we've done and check through it. By this time your oto has to be done, joker bank complete aswell. 

The voice deadline is extended to the 20th of July, on the condition that everyone records the joker samples. The joker samples are 'Ha' and 'a'. Also feel free to give me the name of your joker bank; so I can list it up.

Moriarty has been unable to get on the site for sometime, and is unable to continue due to RL issues and exams. As a result of this, the King of Diamonds is now vacant. Everyone else, do not be discouraged; despite how a member leaving may be somewhat sad, it is also somewhat strengthening as I did mention this was a long term project. Members leaving during the early side of the project will help solidify the members which have long term dedication and interest- so in the end, it will prove the reliability of everyone in the group, and we can work much closer together.

Ok everyone, the deadline for profiles/ designs is today. If I have yet to receive it from you, don't worry. I'm aware some of you are in different time zones. But I should be receiving them all within today or tomorrow my time~ These profiles can never be changed, but do not discard your other outfit ideas and such, these may be of use in Phase 2. Now time for the new deadline.
We have finally gotten to the VB stage, which many of you have actually already started. The Official VBs without oto are due on July 1st. After that I will give you all  a separate deadline (slightly smaller) for otos to ensure they are oto'd well. Feel free to help each other. Noticing things like muffling, mispronunciation, background noise is something we can help each other with. Quality is better than quantity, and as opposed to doing many banks in a short time, I would prefer you take care of one bank and perfect it. I do not take having a bad microphone as an answer. There are ways to make things you can do to increase quality. Drink water, clear your throat. Use the noise removal tool correctly; if this causes muffling, just lower the strength of the removal or take a different noise sample, or just record it again if the need be. I'm expecting to see lovely banks everyone~ And if possible, I would love to see pre-oto, but its not necessary.
Our Joker's sample will be 'ha' as our members seem to be agreeing to it, and its a pretty sweet idea. The samples the Joker bank will include are 'ha', 'a'.

[19/05/2012] Surprise Announcement!
Lovely members of the SUiT Project! Now I wonder if any of you noticed anything particularly odd? Something that just seemed missing? I left a single card out on purpose ;D. Now it's time to bring in the Joker! In a deck of cards, the Joker represents all the cards; so in this project, the Joker will represent all of us, as a mascot. However our lovely Joker-san has no design. As a collaborative effort, all members of SUiT can contribute ideas towards this design. However as with the design custom, there are some rules. Joker's design must consist of monochrome, red and white and gold tones; No other colors are permitted. As a mascot, Joker is not human and does not have a human appearance (Meaning that Joker will be an animal or object). Joker's model number is ♠♥♣♦ (and it is to be included on the design). Now you're wondering about Joker's voice bank :wink:? Joker's vocabulary will only consist of one sample eg.  Similar to how cats go 'nya', the sample will be decided by group members collectively. Joker actually does not have 1 VB, but 16 individual banks. These banks will be named after a word a SUiT Member summarizes their SUiT UTAU as i.e A Suit member is a clutz that is stupid in the head :'D(An Ideal name for the Joker VB would be Joker [Clown]. These 16, one sample banks, will be recorded by the voicers of the 16 SUiT UTAU (I find this should only take them less than a minute, as it's a single sample, if it is unbelievably super super hard [which I cannot imagine] then it will be a slightly edited version of that SUiT's actual bank). And Joker itself has no personality, as it's a joker, it's unpredictable. The topic of Joker has no deadline. Feel free to discuss your ideas after reading this announcement; or even post down sketches of what you think. The draft & Final design will be assembled visually by myself and I will try to include everyone's ideas. Oh and by 1 Sample, it may not be 1, but a few, eg. in the case of Nya, 'ya' and 'a' will also be relevant. And to end this announcement, I hope I took you all by surprise (⌒▽⌒)☆

P.S: King of Hearts is vacant. If you wish to join now, you will be given specially allotted time to catch up~

[02/04/2012] Deadline has been extended to the 25th of May, it seems that many of you are busy at this time. However on the 10th, for those who are finished early, they will still be able to help me on the site then, that is not delayed. On the 10th, I will personally message all of you; concerning anything at all, even if there's nothing to worry about, as well as reminding you guys of the extended deadline. This deadline will not be extended further. Currently Fawksey & 叶心怡 will be helping me test the site, though I would not mind a few more (Especially if you have multiple browsers)~ And on our next deadline, I will be setting a date for the VBs, so feel free to work ahead on that (Though many of you have already started). Oh and those of you who may be worried about doing a written design rather than drawing one, don't worry if you actually want it drawn. The design must be fully complete (no more alterations) but you can always change your concept sheet's layout eg. Exact same design but drawn better, or, design written out before but then drawn, or drawn with a back because the back was only a written descrip before etcetera.
Hope some things have become more clear~

[02/04/2012] Our new deadline is the official character profile shown on [15/03/2012] as well as an official design. The official design must either:
-Be drawn fully, with a written description of the back view
-Drawn Both views
-Drawn Front view with mini drawings beside it showing the back
-A lengthy extremely detailed description covering every single thing
[If the design is not colored, you must also show the colors through labels or attachments.
Also feel free to add extra stuff. Eg Both views plus descrip + sketches]
It does not have to be drawn by you, you could commission it or ask any of the other SUiT members for help -not everyone likes drawing. Even if for some reason you are unable to get a drawn concept done, the written option is always there. And of course, if you are happy with your drawings from the first deadline, then they are acceptable.

I have made this task pretty flexible and it is due on May 10th, the name stars have also been reset.

[01/04/2012] April the 1st deadline due! If not received I will personally message you out of concern :smile: Most of you were finished early though~ I will set a new deadline on the 2nd.
[15/03/2012] This has no deadline yet! Do not complete it unless you are 100% sure on the profile. I will not allow modification.


Name (In western order) [Give Kanji/Eng/Romaji if it's Japanese] [If it in a different language, write it in that language as well as English]:
Name Meaning:
Model Number:
Hand Item [If you possess one]:
Likes [Limit 3]:
Dislikes [Limit 3]:
Personality [Do not mistake for back-story]:
Outfit Colours:
I confirm that this is the official design: [Yes/No(If you're only using it to show your current concept)]

I know some of you have decided to be lovers/rivals and etc. but rather than stating it on the official profile, it would be much better if we leave it as something to implement into music and art so that we don't restrict the UTAUs :smile:

[08/03/2012] If you scroll down to the slot section, I will put a '*' by your name if you have fulfilled the requirement for the current deadline early eg. currently, I have to see a vague idea of your design. This will help me track progress better. Every time we start a new deadline, this will reset.
[06/03/2012] I have decided that you must have at least a sketch of and/or a vague idea and profile of the UTAU by the 1st of April, note; this is not the final design, but simply what you're thinking so far. This is so that anyone who wants feedback on their design, is able to receive feedback from the rest of the group. However feel free to get a headstart on your final concept -if you are confident in your design. If you cannot meet this date for any reason, contact me and I will discuss extension.
[04/03/2012] The deadline for concept design and profile is TBA
[04/03/2012] SUiT Project was opened!

[♦] The SUiT project is a group Utauloid project open to join for everyone in the UTAU Community.
[♦] I wanted to start an open project, as my own project is a partly inside project.
[♦] The SUiT project is based upon a standard playing card deck.
[♦] The SUiT project will be a long term Project .

The SUiT Project aims to compile a group of 16 Utaus (see 'Slots' section for positions). After the first phase of this project is complete, we will then move onto producing Original songs, artwork, and collaboration projects. I want these UTAU's to feel as though they are a group, rather than a randomly bunched group of random peoples UTAUs -so I have made limits on the design. However the personality, language and voice of your UTAU is completely to your own freedom as long as it suits your design. These UTAUs will have NO family relations, or back-stories; they will only have a personality. Since the Project is currently in its opening phase, everyone is welcome to join, - however once this project is midway, you must convince me that you will be dedicated enough to catch up with the deadlines that have already past (I will accord you  a reasonable amount of time, don't worry). If we already have 16 members to start with, then that would be lovely [Which we have! So the midway joining is irrelevant]
If you apply for a slot, you are in charge of the Voice, Design and Creation of that UTAU, you are free to use your own voice or a voice you have permission to use, this is the same for the design.
Since we have yet to finish the first phase of this project, there is not much I can say about the second phase. When we have started the second phase, this thread will be re-organised to its needs, so don't worry.
If you decide to join this project and you are an Artist, Songwriter (State language) , Music Producer, Mixer, Translator, UST Editor, Or Video Maker, Or All, please state so in the accorded section of your application, and I will apply such tags to your name. Although this serves no specific role as of current, it will be useful toward the second phase. When the second phase opens, we will be recruiting more people for the project, and they will be assigned to these posts.
Although talented people are welcomed, we would prefer motivated people who would be dedicated to this project!

I am not a scary person! So feel free to ask me about anything.


The factual parts of the design!
Your model number will be in Roman numerals and written as the symbol of your suit followed by 1 (if you're an Ace), 11 (if you're a Jack), 12 (if you're a Queen), and 13 (if you're a King).


Example model number: King of Hearts = ♥XIII

Your UTAU's model number must be visible on the design.
Your UTAU's Suit symbol must be a part of your design.

Facts for Spades and Clubs
Your design's colour palette can only include; Black, Greys and White (Monochrome colours), + Whatever colours you choose for your hair, skin and eyes.

Facts for Hearts and Diamonds
Your design's colour palette can only include; Different shades of Red, White, + Whatever colours you choose for your hair, skin and eyes.

(For those who are confused, you can include other colours, but they must be a minority)


As I am limiting the design, I believe it is only fair that I help inspire more ideas!
Here are some things that relate to the different suits.

[♠] Spades
Spades, Leaves, Grass, Shields, Swords,
Class: Nobility
Element: Air
Associations: War or Luck
Use in Fortune Telling: Adversity and Challenge

[♥] Hearts
Hearts, Roses, Cups,
Class: Clergy
Element: Water
Associations: Love or Romance
Use in Fortune Telling: Love, Emotion, and Spirituality

[♣] Clubs
Clubs, Acorns, Wands, Batons, Staves,
Class: Peasants
Element: Fire
Associations: Agriculture
Use in Fortune Telling: Inner Wisdom, Industriousness, and Creative Enthusiasm

[♦] Diamonds
Diamonds, Bells, Coins, Pentacles, Rings, Discs,
Class: Merchant
Element: Earth
Associations: Wealth or Riches
Use in Fortune Telling: Material Possessions and Physical Well-being


[♠] Spades
*Ace of Spades - Sylphique [All]
*King of Spades - SAKUloid [Artist]
*Queen of Spades - TheSnowSongstress [Mixer] [Artist]
*Jack of Spades - 叶心怡 [Artist] [English-Chinese Translator]

[♥] Hearts
*Ace of Hearts - Asteriski (AgentAsteriski on YouTube) [UST Editor]
*King of Hearts - nightfrog9 [Artist] [Music Producer]
*Queen of Hearts - Fawkesy [Video Maker] [Mixer]
*Jack of Hearts - smeen [Mixer] [Songwriter [English][Dutch][German][French]]

[♣] Clubs
*Ace of Clubs - NicolaCola [UST Editor] [Mixer]
King of Clubs -
*Queen of Clubs - Ranun [Artist]
*Jack of Clubs - Angel [Artist]

[♦] Diamonds
*Ace of Diamonds - kyukon [Artist] [English-Japanese Translator]
King of Diamonds -
*Queen of Diamonds - Urmi (Urmille on Soundcloud) [Artist]
*Jack of Diamonds - Illsiandria Carthain (SandriaC on YouTube) [Music Producer] [Songwriter [English]]


Username: (Your Username)
Slot: (The Slot for the UTAU you will be Creating)
Extra Skills: (Artist, Songwriter (State language) , Music Producer, Mixer, Or Video Maker)


We will be using tumblr as a progress tracker and organizer.
The project link is http://www.suitproject.tumblr.com
Each character has a sublink /(ace/king/queen/jack)of(spades/hearts/clubs/diamonds)
I will be updating and organizing each page personally, so any major changes will have to be first sent to myself. A short while into the project, I will send a profile template to make it easier. :smile: These pages are currently not accessible without the link as I am still organizing the layout. This tumblr site is NOT our official website, just a blog-like progress update. Our official website, I will be designing from scratch.

Illisandria Carthain

Momo's Minion
Re: [♠ ♥ ♣ ♦] SUiT Project

Username: Illsiandria Carthain (SandriaC on YouTube)
Slot: ♦XI (Jack of Diamonds)
Skills: English Songwriter (not composer but songwriter)

I have an idea already and this looks neat! Overseas UTAUs putting out originals! :smile: This will be fun. :smile:


Momo's Minion
Thread starter
Re: [♠ ♥ ♣ ♦] SUiT Project

Illisandria Carthain link said:
Username: Illsiandria Carthain (SandriaC on YouTube)
Slot: ♦XI (Jack of Diamonds)
Skills: English Songwriter (not composer but songwriter)

I have an idea already and this looks neat! Overseas UTAUs putting out originals! :smile: This will be fun. :smile:

Yep, I hope this will be an enjoyable project! Added to the slot list :smile:


Ruko's Ruffians
Defender of Defoko
Re: [♠ ♥ ♣ ♦] SUiT Project

This is a really cool idea that I'd love to take part of~

Username: Fawkesy
Slot: ♥XII Queen of Hearts
Extra Skills: Video Maker. Still learning the ropes of making fancy videos~


Momo's Minion
Thread starter
Re: [♠ ♥ ♣ ♦] SUiT Project

Fawkesy link said:
This is a really cool idea that I'd love to take part of~

Username: Fawkesy
Slot: ♥XII Queen of Hearts
Extra Skills: Video Maker. Still learning the ropes of making fancy videos~

Glad you think so, hope it will be a fun experience~ Added to slot list!


Momo's Minion
Defender of Defoko
Re: [♠ ♥ ♣ ♦] SUiT Project

this sounds cool <3 I'll do my best to record and design something <3
Username: TheSnowSongstress
Slot: ♠XII
Extra Skills: Mixer and/or artist


Teto's Territory
Re: [♠ ♥ ♣ ♦] SUiT Project

Username: Asteriski (AgentAsteriski on YT)
Slot: ♥I
Extra Skills: It depends on what's meant by "Music Producer". I'm good at editing USTs, if that's it.


Teto's Territory
Re: [♠ ♥ ♣ ♦] SUiT Project

I shall join! Me and TheSnowSongstress (who is signing up for ♠XII, up there ^^^)'s UTAUs are married in the UTAU fandom, so we decided to pair here as well!~

Username: SAKUloid
Slot: ♠XIII
Extra Skills: Artist. I'm not the best to ever be, but I have faith in myself.

Thank You~


Momo's Minion
Re: [♠ ♥ ♣ ♦] SUiT Project

Username: kyukon
Slot: ♦I  Ace of Diamonds
Extra Skills: Artist, English-Japanese translation

Seems like a lot of fun and I would like to contribute my skills more to the utaforum. ^ ^


Momo's Minion
Re: [♠ ♥ ♣ ♦] SUiT Project

Username: Moriarty
Slot: Ace of clubs  ♠I
Extra Skills: I write song lyrics in English and I also draw.


Momo's Minion
Thread starter
Re: [♠ ♥ ♣ ♦] SUiT Project

TheSnowSongstress link said:
this sounds cool <3 I'll do my best to record and design something <3
Username: TheSnowSongstress
Slot: ♠XII
Extra Skills: Mixer and/or artist

Happy you are willing to be a part of the project :smile: Added

Asteriski link said:
Username: Asteriski (AgentAsteriski on YT)
Slot: ♥I
Extra Skills: It depends on what's meant by \"Music Producer\". I'm good at editing USTs, if that's it.

Music Producers are those who create original music, but I'd be willing to add a UST editor tag~ Added

SAKUloid link said:
I shall join! Me and TheSnowSongstress (who is signing up for ♠XII, up there ^^^)'s UTAUs are married in the UTAU fandom, so we decided to pair here as well!~

Username: SAKUloid
Slot: ♠XIII
Extra Skills: Artist. I'm not the best to ever be, but I have faith in myself.

Thank You~
Glad to see another artist :smile:! Added

kyukon link said:
Username: kyukon
Slot: ♦I  Ace of Diamonds
Extra Skills: Artist, English-Japanese translation

Seems like a lot of fun and I would like to contribute my skills more to the utaforum. ^ ^
Thanks for reminding me that it would be nice to have a translator tag, it'll certainly be useful :smile:~ Added

Moriarty link said:
Username: Moriarty
Slot: Ace of clubs  ♠I
Extra Skills: I write song lyrics in English and I also draw.


Ruko's Ruffians
Defender of Defoko
Re: [♠ ♥ ♣ ♦] SUiT Project [06/03] New Announcement!

this seems cool o u o
Username: Sai Mackne
Slot: ♥XIII
Extra Skills: Im a mixer~ and i can help with ust editing


Momo's Minion
Thread starter
Re: [♠ ♥ ♣ ♦] SUiT Project [06/03] New Announcement!

Sai Mackne link said:
this seems cool o u o
Username: Sai Mackne
Slot: ♥XIII
Extra Skills: Im a mixer~ and i can help with ust editing

Yay!~ Added


Momo's Minion
Defender of Defoko
Re: [♠ ♥ ♣ ♦] SUiT Project [06/03] New Announcement!

This looks awesome c:

Username: 叶心怡
Slot: ♠XI
Extra Skills: Artist (but if you ever need to translate something chinese, I'm here to help :D)


Ruko's Ruffians
Defender of Defoko
Re: [♠ ♥ ♣ ♦] SUiT Project [06/03] New Announcement!

Username: smeen
Slot: ♠XI
Extra Skills: Mixer and Songwriter (English, Dutch, German and French)


Momo's Minion
Re: [♠ ♥ ♣ ♦] SUiT Project [06/03] New Announcement!

Username: Urmi (Urmille on Soundcloud)
Slot: ♦XII
Extra Skills: Artist.


Momo's Minion
Thread starter
Re: [♠ ♥ ♣ ♦] SUiT Project [06/03] New Announcement!

叶心怡 link said:
This looks awesome c:

Username: 叶心怡
Slot: ♠XI
Extra Skills: Artist (but if you ever need to translate something chinese, I'm here to help :D)
smeen link said:
Username: smeen
Slot: ♠XI
Extra Skills: Mixer and Songwriter (English, Dutch, German and French)
叶心怡 applied for that position just before you :o Sorry, but you are still free to pick something that's still open :smile:

Urmi link said:
Username: Urmi (Urmille on Soundcloud)
Slot: ♦XII
Extra Skills: Artist.
Added :smile:


Momo's Minion
Re: [♠ ♥ ♣ ♦] SUiT Project [06/03] New Announcement!

Actually, is it possible for you to change my slot to King of Diamonds? ... Sorry to bother...


Momo's Minion
Thread starter
Re: [♠ ♥ ♣ ♦] SUiT Project [06/03] New Announcement!

Moriarty link said:
Actually, is it possible for you to change my slot to King of Diamonds? ... Sorry to bother...

No trouble whatsoever, Consider it done~


Ruko's Ruffians
Defender of Defoko
Re: [♠ ♥ ♣ ♦] SUiT Project [06/03] New Announcement!

Oh dear... I'll be the Jack of Hearts then, is that alright with you?