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  • Hey everyone! Decided that I wanna do my first UTAU Medley! So I'mma drop this and hopefully this will be fun for us all!

    HEYO! Doing a big project called "UTANights" or「歌の夜」.

    It's basically a FNAFxUTAU concept where the characters of FNAf have fan-made voices and designs. It's a good way for two communities to come together.
    Here where the auditions are at! AUDITION HERE!!!!
    Made a server for chilling, talking and streaming. You can lurk in there a bit, but I would prefer if you could talk just a bit. I spent a day making the server T^T

    It's been almost two months since I was last active on here, so sorry for that. Been feeling unmotivated rn, but I'm trying my best to keep my spirits up and make UTAU content.
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