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Recent content by minion

  1. minion

    [UTAUカバー] Alien Alien [Ryuji Shikamoto]

  2. minion

    Isnt Kasane Teto adorable? I love Teto~!

    Isnt Kasane Teto adorable? I love Teto~!
  3. minion

    Original [Vocaloid Original] また会えたい feat. Megurine Luka (巡音ルカ)

    Omgf!!! I love this song,I love your tuning too! Hehe,You have all my support :wink:
  4. minion

    What have you been playing lately?

    I have been playing Danganronpa,Norn9 and Bad Apple wars (all of this games are visual novels)
  5. minion

    Cover Kagamine Rin - Patchwork Staccato

    So cute! :3
  6. minion

    Any obscure/underrated UTAU you like/wish they got more attention?

    Hmmmm Oh I just discovered a Utau called Makne Riri is very cool and her vb contains vocal fry Also she haves a very cute desing (she is vccv) ^^ And this vipperloid called Scott Scott is a very underrated vipperloid I love his desing and voice for some reason I searched about this Utau and he...
  7. minion

    i cant find a romaji yokune ruko vb download :(

    I Converted the Ruko VB to romaji it contains a weak ruko voice and the continuous sound voice it also contains some voice samples like ruko talking xD Here is the link: http://www.mediafire.com/file/3hpu798z1ts9z7s/Ruko_Lite_ROMAJI.rar/file (If the file haves problems tell me) Also sorry for...
  8. minion

    i cant find a romaji yokune ruko vb download :(

    But I found a Hiragana to Romaji Voicebank converter here:
  9. minion

    i cant find a romaji yokune ruko vb download :(

    Hmmm Ruko doesnt have a Romaji vb But Ruko haves Hiragana Voicebanks,Sorry
  10. minion

    Help with making a japanese UST to an english UST

    I want to translate it to english ;; Thank you!
  11. minion

    Yowa Shion and Makune Hachi

    Thank you all for responding :D!
  12. minion

    Help with making a japanese UST to an english UST

    Hi! I dont know how to make an japanese ust to an english ust I dont rlly understand how to transform Japonese Phonemes to english phonemes Is there a plugin for that? :/
  13. minion

    Yowa Shion and Makune Hachi

    Since those UTAUS are discontinued I was thinking...People still haves their Voicebanks? A friend sended me the ACUTE Hachi VB and I downloaded the Yowa vb from a website called VocaloUtau,But if someone still haves those Voicebanks and make covers with it,Is that okay? Srry for bad english lol
  14. minion

    Critique Requested Deja Vu - FROST & Aino Erufu Arpasing

    I love this cover! I think that FROST haves a very clear english!! :sing:
  15. minion

    Throw me some Creepy USTs to cover!!!

    I dont really know scary songs but i like this one lol