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  • Can a native German speaker please read over my reclist and tell me exactly how much I messed up? Thanks, that would be great.
    Somebody should make a cover of TWICE- Perfect World with Yokune Ruko because I can't tune them for crap.

    Please it would be so cool
    hey sake
    could you make art for two new Hoshi banks?

    1. English
    2. Dark
    Alright! Might take me a bit though because I won't be able to access my drawing stuff till Sunday
    I feel like a literal baby in the utau community even though I've been into it for a few years now. help
    how the heck does hifisampler render faster than moresampler :orly:
    Eh? It's fast for you? Hifisampler is as slow as fresamp for me. Maybe my pc just sucks
    It's fast on computers that can use GPU, I think????
    somebody please use my cvvc-arpasing reclist i worked hard on it :sad:
    Gold Coin
    Gold Coin
    i didn't see it.
    It's on resources
    Gold Coin
    Gold Coin
    i'll try it tmrw, i downloaded the list
    • Like
    Reactions: SaKe
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