This is my first time making a reclist or working with utau at all, there are probably things that seem wierd to the more experienced. Oremo have not been very case-sensitive, so I have used only letter (+ number) instead of lower case/upper case. Well I would need to use numbers anyways since there are so many sounds.
The list contains a total of 3419 lines: 2604 + 294 CV, 280 + 85 VCV, 83 V, 73 VC. There are two CV and VCV; CV2 is archaic onsets with Cw instead of Cv, and VCV2 has endingvowels non-universal to all dialects (although most dialects have something from both VCV-lists).
I have recorded with the music from PaintedCz english tutorial.
rt2 is used instead of lt (łt) so as not to interfere with actual lt, actual C + C.
VCV ending consonants are supposed to be oto:ed away, the consonant is just there to give the preceding vowel the right quality. VCV is only used for consonants and clusters that are impossible word-initially. CV has all vowels, but VCV only has endingvowels. The first vowel in VC and VCV is the "neutral" /a/ to not affect the consonant after (it is supposed to just be oto:ed away), but /i/ and /o/ is used when the consonant is supposed to get a more palatal or velar quality respectively.
The VCV2-list contains endings that are not universal for all dialects. Most dialects need parts from both lists though.
Cj is one palatalized konsonant. The clusters /lj/ and /nj/ are achieved through VC nj/lj + CV jV.
The gliding over ae, oa, ua, ui, ue in word boundaries and in VdV-word where the consonant has fallen are made by putting the separate vowels in sequence, or, if the first vowel is rounded and thus the transition between the vowels makes an w-like sound in speech, put the first vowel + CV v1a ([wa]).
The single consonants resulting from VC are recorded like that vowel + consonant, but voiced l-sounds and nasals are recorded as if they were vowels.
Double diphthongs (eeii) are recorded as long, single (ei) as short.
It is uncommon among the dialects to retain the full three-way dental-alveolar-retroflex distinction, most speakers only have a two-way dental-alveolar~retroflex. If your dialect has both /rn/ and /n̠/, one of the rn-lines can be used for the cluster.
a is for the front a-sound [æ~a].
a2 is for the central a-sound [a~ɑ̈] (the short allophone of the back a-sound).
a3 is for the back a-sound [ɑ].
e is for the ending e-sound [e̞] or [ə].
e2 is for the tense short e-sound [e̞~ɛ] if not already covered by e.
e3 is for the lax e-sound [ɛ] if not already covered by e2 (or a, as western dialects have [æ] for e3).
ee is for the long e-sound [e]/[e̞]/[ɛ] if not already covered by previous e-sounds.
ii is for the í-sound .
i is for the short tense i-sound [i̞].
i2 is for the lax i-sound [ɪ]/[e̞]/[ɛ].
i3 is for the other lax i-sound [ɪ̠] present in western dialects.
uu is for the ú-sound [ʉ̟ᵝ].
u is for the short tense u-sound [ɵ~ʉ] (if not identical to uu, like in Ragunda dialects).
u2 is for dialects that have another, lax u-sound additionally such as [ɶ~ɞ̞] or [ʊ~o~ɞ].
u3 is for [ɵ~ʉ] if that is not already covered by u, u2 for your dialect.
oo is for the ó-sound [uᵝ].
o is for the tense o-sound [ɔ]/[ɞ]/[ɞ̞]/[ɶ]/[ɒ]/[ɑ]/[a].
o2 is for dialects that have another, lax o-sound additionally such as [ɒ], or for example the Berg dialects' broken short [æŭ̯] allophone of <o> before geminate velars.
o3 is for [ɞ̞] if your dialect only has [ɔ], or for [ɔ] if your dialect only has [ɞ̞~ɞ~ɶ].
yy is for the ý-sound [yʷ].
y is for the short tense y-sound [y̞ʷ].
y3 is for the lax y-sound [ʏ̠ʷ] in western dialects.
66 is for the ǿ-sound [øʷ] or [œʷ].
6 is for the short ø-sound (if not the same as 66).
ao is for the ao-sound [ɔ̜u]/[ɑ̈o̯]/[o].
ao2 is for a diphthong ao-sound if your dialect has the monphthong otherwise, and vice versa.
ou is for the ou-sound [ɞ̞ɵ̯]/[æɵ̯]/[œɵ̯] (in monophthong dialects, ou is the same sound as u2).
ou2 is for a diphthong ou-sound [ɞ̞ɵ̯] if your dialect has normal ou monophthongised.
6y is for the øy-sound [ø̞y̯]/[ɶʷ]/[øʷ].
6y2 is for a diphthong øy-sound [ø̞y̯] if your dialect has (or sometimes has) normal øy monophthongised.
ei is for the ei-sound [e̞i̯]/[ɪ]/[ɛ] (in most monophthong dialects, ei is the same sound as i2).
ei2 is for a diphthong ei-sound [e̞i̯] if your dialect has normal ei monophthongised.
uy is for [ui̯], [ɶy̯], [ɞy̯] etc. used in interjections and the fishes uy.
oy is for [oi̯], [ɔy̯], [ɞ̞i̯] etc. used in interjections and loanwords.
ai is for [ɑi̯]/[ai̯] used in interjections and loanwords.
d [d̪]
dh [ð]
dzj [dʑ~dzʲ]
dj [dʲ]
rd [d̠]
rd2 [ɖ]
f [f]
g [g]
gj [gʲ]
gh [ɣ]
gjh [ʝ]/[ɣʲ]
h [h]
k [kʰ] (initial position, aspirated)
k2 [kʰ] (final position, slightly aspirated)
k3 [k] (medial position, unaspirated)
kj [kʲʰ] (initial position, aspirated)
kj2 [kʲʰ] (final position, slightly aspirated)
kj3 [kʲ] (medial position, unaspirated)
l [l̪]
lj [lʲ]/[ʎ]
lh [l̪̊]
ljh [l̪̊]/[ʎ̥]
l2 [ɭ̆] (voiced lateral retroflex flap)
l2h [ɭ̥̆] (voiceless lateral retroflex flap)
l3 [ɭ]
l3h [ɭ̥]
m [m]
n [n̪]
rn [n̠]
rn3 [ɳ]
p [pʰ] (initial position, aspirated)
p2 [pʰ] (final position, slightly aspirated)
p3 [p] (medial position, unaspirated)
r [ɾ]
rh [ɾ̥]/[ɹ̥]/[ʃ]
r2 [ɻ]/[ɽr]
s [s̪]
sj [sʲ]/[ɕ]
s2 [s̠]/[ʃ]
s3 [ʂ]/[ʃˠʷ]/[xʷ]
t [t̪ʰ] (initial position, aspirated)
t2 [t̪ʰ] (final position, slightly aspirated)
t3 [t̪] (medial position,unaspirated)
tsj [tɕʰ~tsʲʰ] (initial position, aspirated)
tsj2 [tɕʰ~tsʲʰ] (final position, slightly aspirated)
tsj3 [tɕ~tsʲ] (medial position,unaspirated)
tj [tʲʰ] (initial position, aspirated)
tj2 [tʲʰ] (final position, slightly aspirated)
tj3 [tʲ] (medial position,unaspirated)
rt [t̠ʰ] (initial position, aspirated)
rt2 [t̠ʰ] (final position, slightly aspirated)
rt3 [t̠] (medial position, unaspirated)
rtrs [t̠ɕ̠~ʈ̟ʂ̟]
rt21 [ʈʰ] (initial position, aspirated)
rt22 [ʈʰ] (final position, slightly aspirated)
rt23 [ʈ] (medial position, unaspirated)
v [ʋ]
v2 [w]
The list contains a total of 3419 lines: 2604 + 294 CV, 280 + 85 VCV, 83 V, 73 VC. There are two CV and VCV; CV2 is archaic onsets with Cw instead of Cv, and VCV2 has endingvowels non-universal to all dialects (although most dialects have something from both VCV-lists).
I have recorded with the music from PaintedCz english tutorial.
rt2 is used instead of lt (łt) so as not to interfere with actual lt, actual C + C.
VCV ending consonants are supposed to be oto:ed away, the consonant is just there to give the preceding vowel the right quality. VCV is only used for consonants and clusters that are impossible word-initially. CV has all vowels, but VCV only has endingvowels. The first vowel in VC and VCV is the "neutral" /a/ to not affect the consonant after (it is supposed to just be oto:ed away), but /i/ and /o/ is used when the consonant is supposed to get a more palatal or velar quality respectively.
The VCV2-list contains endings that are not universal for all dialects. Most dialects need parts from both lists though.
Cj is one palatalized konsonant. The clusters /lj/ and /nj/ are achieved through VC nj/lj + CV jV.
The gliding over ae, oa, ua, ui, ue in word boundaries and in VdV-word where the consonant has fallen are made by putting the separate vowels in sequence, or, if the first vowel is rounded and thus the transition between the vowels makes an w-like sound in speech, put the first vowel + CV v1a ([wa]).
The single consonants resulting from VC are recorded like that vowel + consonant, but voiced l-sounds and nasals are recorded as if they were vowels.
Double diphthongs (eeii) are recorded as long, single (ei) as short.
It is uncommon among the dialects to retain the full three-way dental-alveolar-retroflex distinction, most speakers only have a two-way dental-alveolar~retroflex. If your dialect has both /rn/ and /n̠/, one of the rn-lines can be used for the cluster.
a is for the front a-sound [æ~a].
a2 is for the central a-sound [a~ɑ̈] (the short allophone of the back a-sound).
a3 is for the back a-sound [ɑ].
e is for the ending e-sound [e̞] or [ə].
e2 is for the tense short e-sound [e̞~ɛ] if not already covered by e.
e3 is for the lax e-sound [ɛ] if not already covered by e2 (or a, as western dialects have [æ] for e3).
ee is for the long e-sound [e]/[e̞]/[ɛ] if not already covered by previous e-sounds.
ii is for the í-sound .
i is for the short tense i-sound [i̞].
i2 is for the lax i-sound [ɪ]/[e̞]/[ɛ].
i3 is for the other lax i-sound [ɪ̠] present in western dialects.
uu is for the ú-sound [ʉ̟ᵝ].
u is for the short tense u-sound [ɵ~ʉ] (if not identical to uu, like in Ragunda dialects).
u2 is for dialects that have another, lax u-sound additionally such as [ɶ~ɞ̞] or [ʊ~o~ɞ].
u3 is for [ɵ~ʉ] if that is not already covered by u, u2 for your dialect.
oo is for the ó-sound [uᵝ].
o is for the tense o-sound [ɔ]/[ɞ]/[ɞ̞]/[ɶ]/[ɒ]/[ɑ]/[a].
o2 is for dialects that have another, lax o-sound additionally such as [ɒ], or for example the Berg dialects' broken short [æŭ̯] allophone of <o> before geminate velars.
o3 is for [ɞ̞] if your dialect only has [ɔ], or for [ɔ] if your dialect only has [ɞ̞~ɞ~ɶ].
yy is for the ý-sound [yʷ].
y is for the short tense y-sound [y̞ʷ].
y3 is for the lax y-sound [ʏ̠ʷ] in western dialects.
66 is for the ǿ-sound [øʷ] or [œʷ].
6 is for the short ø-sound (if not the same as 66).
ao is for the ao-sound [ɔ̜u]/[ɑ̈o̯]/[o].
ao2 is for a diphthong ao-sound if your dialect has the monphthong otherwise, and vice versa.
ou is for the ou-sound [ɞ̞ɵ̯]/[æɵ̯]/[œɵ̯] (in monophthong dialects, ou is the same sound as u2).
ou2 is for a diphthong ou-sound [ɞ̞ɵ̯] if your dialect has normal ou monophthongised.
6y is for the øy-sound [ø̞y̯]/[ɶʷ]/[øʷ].
6y2 is for a diphthong øy-sound [ø̞y̯] if your dialect has (or sometimes has) normal øy monophthongised.
ei is for the ei-sound [e̞i̯]/[ɪ]/[ɛ] (in most monophthong dialects, ei is the same sound as i2).
ei2 is for a diphthong ei-sound [e̞i̯] if your dialect has normal ei monophthongised.
uy is for [ui̯], [ɶy̯], [ɞy̯] etc. used in interjections and the fishes uy.
oy is for [oi̯], [ɔy̯], [ɞ̞i̯] etc. used in interjections and loanwords.
ai is for [ɑi̯]/[ai̯] used in interjections and loanwords.
d [d̪]
dh [ð]
dzj [dʑ~dzʲ]
dj [dʲ]
rd [d̠]
rd2 [ɖ]
f [f]
g [g]
gj [gʲ]
gh [ɣ]
gjh [ʝ]/[ɣʲ]
h [h]
k [kʰ] (initial position, aspirated)
k2 [kʰ] (final position, slightly aspirated)
k3 [k] (medial position, unaspirated)
kj [kʲʰ] (initial position, aspirated)
kj2 [kʲʰ] (final position, slightly aspirated)
kj3 [kʲ] (medial position, unaspirated)
l [l̪]
lj [lʲ]/[ʎ]
lh [l̪̊]
ljh [l̪̊]/[ʎ̥]
l2 [ɭ̆] (voiced lateral retroflex flap)
l2h [ɭ̥̆] (voiceless lateral retroflex flap)
l3 [ɭ]
l3h [ɭ̥]
m [m]
n [n̪]
rn [n̠]
rn3 [ɳ]
p [pʰ] (initial position, aspirated)
p2 [pʰ] (final position, slightly aspirated)
p3 [p] (medial position, unaspirated)
r [ɾ]
rh [ɾ̥]/[ɹ̥]/[ʃ]
r2 [ɻ]/[ɽr]
s [s̪]
sj [sʲ]/[ɕ]
s2 [s̠]/[ʃ]
s3 [ʂ]/[ʃˠʷ]/[xʷ]
t [t̪ʰ] (initial position, aspirated)
t2 [t̪ʰ] (final position, slightly aspirated)
t3 [t̪] (medial position,unaspirated)
tsj [tɕʰ~tsʲʰ] (initial position, aspirated)
tsj2 [tɕʰ~tsʲʰ] (final position, slightly aspirated)
tsj3 [tɕ~tsʲ] (medial position,unaspirated)
tj [tʲʰ] (initial position, aspirated)
tj2 [tʲʰ] (final position, slightly aspirated)
tj3 [tʲ] (medial position,unaspirated)
rt [t̠ʰ] (initial position, aspirated)
rt2 [t̠ʰ] (final position, slightly aspirated)
rt3 [t̠] (medial position, unaspirated)
rtrs [t̠ɕ̠~ʈ̟ʂ̟]
rt21 [ʈʰ] (initial position, aspirated)
rt22 [ʈʰ] (final position, slightly aspirated)
rt23 [ʈ] (medial position, unaspirated)
v [ʋ]
v2 [w]