I went through a good 170+ new UTAU releases and tagged them all on English NND (the tags don't carry over across versions, even if they're both searchable). For my 3 hours straight of tagging, I present to you: the NND sorting tag system.
With the tagging system, it's possible to search UTAUs by characteristic, narrowing down your search and making it more likely for you to examine voices you'd normally skip over.
I check for new UTAU regularly. If you're posting an UTAU release video on NND, try using this tag system and help yourself get discovered!!
Don't be afraid to ask for new tags, too. I'm always happy to help!
With the tagging system, it's possible to search UTAUs by characteristic, narrowing down your search and making it more likely for you to examine voices you'd normally skip over.
- UTAU_distribution_link
- CV_bank
- VCV_bank
- Append_bank
- Multipitch_bank
- kiretype (a multipitch bank made for realistic power singing)
- UTAnthro (furry utaus)
- UTAnoise (for voicebanks that make noises instead of singing)
- UTAX (the bank sings, but the voice is distorted)
- UTAplayer (for UTAUs that are instruments)
- UTAdeath (deathvoice/screamo banks)
- UTA_QUA (Either high audio quality or a voice that is easy to get a good sound out of. Note: some UTAUs with bad OTOs may have this tag.)
- UTA_KWA (The voicebank has a severe unfixable issue in the recordings. this should probably only be used in instance of unbearable microphone noise.)
- softvoice
- strongvoice
- deepvoice
I check for new UTAU regularly. If you're posting an UTAU release video on NND, try using this tag system and help yourself get discovered!!
Don't be afraid to ask for new tags, too. I'm always happy to help!