This is a good reclist for people who want to record a CV UTAU. It's got the Japanese syllables, as well as some extras that will enable it to cover most instances of English used in J-Pop. The added consonants are not required, but recommended as it helps with advanced tuning.
For recording a full English voicebank I highly recommend Recording a CV VC bank. CV is not built for English, and therefore does not work well beyond basic speaking/singing functions.
Overkill CV Japanese Reclist:
(Nearly Useless) English CV Reclist:
'a' is the a sound in 'farm'
'e' is the e sound in 'epic'
'i' is the sound in 'keep'
'o' is the o sound in 'open'
'u' is the u sound in 'fluke'
'ai' is the first vowel sound in 'ice'
As far as 'ei' and 'oi' go, I already had a couple samples in my dA
Ei Oi and Kwa
'ah' is the a sound in 'at'
'ih' is the i sound in 'it'
'uh' is the u sound in 'under'
'rya ryo ryu' type sounds Ryo
'tsu' type sounds How To tsu
'rr' syllables are the English r sounds, like in 'run'
Remember to hold the notes out long enough, or it won't sound right. About 1.5 to 2 seconds will do it. Also, when recording 'tsu' do NOT hold out the 's' for very long. Even with an OTO, if you don't make it short it will sound like 'tssssssssssssssssssssssu', or sometimes even just 'ts'. Trying to trim it with an OTO will just make it sound like 'su,' so try to keep the s as short as possible. This can be fixed with the consonant velocity setting, but it's a huge pain in the butt to do that every time. Best to just try to avoid it altogether while recording.
Also, try to keep the volume at a steady level throughout the whole recording. And try to record on the same pitch if you can.
What does CV mean?
A CV voicebank is Consonant Vowel. It is syllables such as 'ka' where the consonant comes first (k), and the the vowel comes second (a). It is the most common of all voicebanks, and easiest to work with for beginners. You will also find that most UST files are written in CV. I highly recommend it if this is your first UTAU.
Is CV right for me?
For beginners, absolutely. For intermediate UTAU users, I recommend that you seek a VCV (vowel consonant vowel) reclist, and attempt to record that voicebank type. While more difficult to record, it does tend to sound a lot smoother and more natural. For veteran UTAU users, it's time to delve in to the depths of CV-VC (Consonant Vowel-Vowel Consonant). For English I recommend you look up CZ's reclist, as it is widely known for producing some of the the most understandable English in UTAU (It's labeled VCCV since it is recorded a bit differently).
If you have any questions feel free to ask!
For recording a full English voicebank I highly recommend Recording a CV VC bank. CV is not built for English, and therefore does not work well beyond basic speaking/singing functions.
Overkill CV Japanese Reclist:
(Nearly Useless) English CV Reclist:
'a' is the a sound in 'farm'
'e' is the e sound in 'epic'
'i' is the sound in 'keep'
'o' is the o sound in 'open'
'u' is the u sound in 'fluke'
'ai' is the first vowel sound in 'ice'
As far as 'ei' and 'oi' go, I already had a couple samples in my dA
Ei Oi and Kwa
'ah' is the a sound in 'at'
'ih' is the i sound in 'it'
'uh' is the u sound in 'under'
'rya ryo ryu' type sounds Ryo
'tsu' type sounds How To tsu
'rr' syllables are the English r sounds, like in 'run'
Remember to hold the notes out long enough, or it won't sound right. About 1.5 to 2 seconds will do it. Also, when recording 'tsu' do NOT hold out the 's' for very long. Even with an OTO, if you don't make it short it will sound like 'tssssssssssssssssssssssu', or sometimes even just 'ts'. Trying to trim it with an OTO will just make it sound like 'su,' so try to keep the s as short as possible. This can be fixed with the consonant velocity setting, but it's a huge pain in the butt to do that every time. Best to just try to avoid it altogether while recording.
Also, try to keep the volume at a steady level throughout the whole recording. And try to record on the same pitch if you can.
What does CV mean?
A CV voicebank is Consonant Vowel. It is syllables such as 'ka' where the consonant comes first (k), and the the vowel comes second (a). It is the most common of all voicebanks, and easiest to work with for beginners. You will also find that most UST files are written in CV. I highly recommend it if this is your first UTAU.
Is CV right for me?
For beginners, absolutely. For intermediate UTAU users, I recommend that you seek a VCV (vowel consonant vowel) reclist, and attempt to record that voicebank type. While more difficult to record, it does tend to sound a lot smoother and more natural. For veteran UTAU users, it's time to delve in to the depths of CV-VC (Consonant Vowel-Vowel Consonant). For English I recommend you look up CZ's reclist, as it is widely known for producing some of the the most understandable English in UTAU (It's labeled VCCV since it is recorded a bit differently).
If you have any questions feel free to ask!