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  1. Ivy!

    Question /help needed with naming

    So I had this name in mind for an Utau. However on the wiki there is a character with almost the exact same name (same first name, same first part of last name) but they haven't done anything with this Utau since 2013 that I could find. Would it be considered copying if I used the name I...
  2. A

    From Momo to Ritsu, Ruko, Teto and so on

    I'm wondering what does "momo's mimion, Ruko's ruffian, Ritsu's renegade, Teto's territory" in the state everyone has on UTAU 1) I don't know these expressions in English (because I'm not an English speaker ahahah :) :)) 2) What's the grade of these states? Thank you for the replies!
  3. jellophish

    Names meaning "red" suggestions?

    I suck at picking out names, and as much as I google, I always feel like someone will know a much better name lol Does anyone have any suggestions for a name meaning "red" or anything related/associated with the color red? I don't just want to name my UTAU Akane or something LOL Akane is a cute...
  4. keiran h

    Artistic name!

    Whats your artistic name? And why you chose that name? Well mine is keiran.h, why the ".h" because I study computer science and in programming class, c++, there's an extension called ".header" haha nope idk why I chose it! Sometimes I use "keiran.exe" or "keiran.h.exe" idk it has to be computer...