cout << "Hello.";


Teto's Territory

I guess I should provide some background, so here goes. In my day-to-day life, I'm a busy, somewhat non-traditional (since I commute from home) soon-to-be sophomore college student who is majoring in Informatics (think of it as applied computer science).

More relevant to scope of this forum, I've been using UTAU since I was 16 (2011), and was really active in the fandom from then to early 2013 under the username glaciachan. Then, I sorta dropped off the face of the (online) earth because I became burnt out on the fandom and UTAU in general. My lack of motivation to do anything UTAU also had to do with the fact that maintaining, updating, and using four voicebanks became tedious and tiresome for me. Plus, there was the fact that I didn't really like any of the UTAU characters I made anymore save for one certain robotic cactus...

So, when I got more energy to use UTAU, what was my solution? Answer: I decided to discontinue most of my voicebanks save for said robotic cactus and start anew with a new voicebank and some new rules: only focus my time and energy for existing characters, and only make new UTAU's if I somehow convince another person to record for me.

I'll try and stick around this time, though I definitely won't be pre-2013 active in UTAU ever again. Also, even though I've been inactive for two years, I haven't totally been under a rock the whole time: I've been frequently lurking through SoundCloud and Youtube. As for the new username? Well, anything sounds cool if you add "abyssal" to the front of it, right?

Anyway, my interests include computer programming (duh!), interaction design, design in general, art, drawing, reading, running, retro computer graphics, retro video games, anything to do with the history of computers, and annoying my family members.

TL:DR: Glacia's back.


Defender of Defoko
Compiling information for nefarious purposes eh? Ya know the NSA hates competition! Just kidding, welcome to the UF!