Does UTAU works in Windows 11?


Your stubborn Yotsuba Channel frequenter. Direct.
Defender of Defoko
stinky site says:
>UTAU has been confirmed to work on the leaked dev build of Windows 11, with only the default resampler breaking. So there is hope, and it *looks* like it'll work, but we do not know for certain.
I intend to ride out windows 10 and then swap to linux, preferrably once I've coded up my own solution to this predicament
If my independent thinking doesn't end up with mad people nuking me off the internet I might share the progress, should I ever go down the programming route.
Don't count on it, though, because right now I'm just procrastinating on trying to learn this crusty old japanese program, as well as another crusty old japanese program.


Ruko's Ruffians
Defender of Defoko
Thread starter
stinky site says:
>UTAU has been confirmed to work on the leaked dev build of Windows 11, with only the default resampler breaking. So there is hope, and it *looks* like it'll work, but we do not know for certain.
I intend to ride out windows 10 and then swap to linux, preferrably once I've coded up my own solution to this predicament
If my independent thinking doesn't end up with mad people nuking me off the internet I might share the progress, should I ever go down the programming route.
Don't count on it, though, because right now I'm just procrastinating on trying to learn this crusty old japanese program, as well as another crusty old japanese program.

Oh no! My voicebank works best with the default resampler :sad: I only have tried moresampler beside the default resampler though, but still. Moresampler made my voicebank shaky.

Yeah, some people do be just like that. It's sad, I hope people can be more appreciative :smile:


Teto's Territory
Defender of Defoko
I wonder if doppeltler will work in place of the default resampler?

수연 <Suyeon>

Your friendly neighborhood koreaboo trash
Defender of Defoko
Yes, it works. Yes, it works with default resampler. Yes, you still need Japanese Locale and to run as admin/change user settings for the UTAU folder if you install in Programs (x86). There are alternatives such as UTSU and OpenUtau in active development if you're concerned about future-proofing against any major Windows OS updates.

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