ENUNU error messages

Kawaiine Is Queen

Momo's Minion
The phonetic part also showed as [error]. I got the first error message when I tried to play the UST I was using after changing the phonetic part to the right phonemes and the second error message was in the enunu_server.bat file any time I moved a note. What should I do to fix these errors?

1684459726750.pngValue Error: The specified file cannot be found. OpenUtau-win-x64\Plugins\ENUNU-0.4.0-Server/extensions/style_shifter.py


Icon by Wanpuccino @ DA
Defender of Defoko
what VB are you using, and have you updated your enunu-server version?
Admittedly, I've not seen OU thow out an in-program error notif for ENUNU stuff before so I'm not 100%, but may as well go through the common problems first...
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