Free Original song and PV (Of Choice)


Momo's Minion
Okay, so basically the title says it all.

I recently learned how to use FL Studio and Macromedia Flash, so I decided to test them both out. And yes, it's free. NO CHARGE!!! If I feel up to it, I might do more than one, but probably not.

So basically, you comment with this information (as much as you can fill out, anyways):

Your utau and a sample of voice (no background instrumental)
What type of song (sad, cheerful, etc.)
Any lyrics you already have (if you already have the romaji, english, and hiragana/kanji version, then the chances of your UTAU being chosen is REALLY HIGH)
Maybe even a melody in UTAU
Any ideas on instrumental part

Like I said, I'll probably choose one that has the japanese and english translated lyrics already picked out...

I'll probably pick the one that requires the least amount of work...

I probably will take a long time to get to actually making it, with semester exams coming up, but I want a lot of different utaus and song types to choose from!!!

Seriously, you might have the melody, lyrics, and everything other than the instrumentals and video.

I might do more than one, but the others, if I do, will probably be less high quality than the first one. They might just be really simple videos and instrumentals.

Okay... that was really long...

Sorry if I bored you to death!


Ruko's Ruffians
Defender of Defoko
Oh man, I'd totally sign up for this but unfortunately I have no lyrics. ;U; That's really kind of you to offer to do it though. ^u^


Momo's Minion
Thread starter
Well, you don't NEED lyrics... I mean, if no one else asks for one, and if I don't like the other utaus, then you'll be picked! ^^


Ruko's Ruffians
Defender of Defoko
You're sweet. xD But I'd feel so bad making you do all the work. ;A; I mean I'd try and help as much as I can but I'm no lyricist..Either way, I guess I'll be setting up some of this information. :'3 Might as well give it a try!


Utau; Yuumei Ekiguchi Her Soft append appearance
What type of song: Something upbeat and cheerful this time around.
I'll be looking up possible melody ideas and instrumental parts, or at least some inspiration I might want to go for. ;U;

Her VB isn't released to the public yet, as I'm looking for someone to help me shade the last picture I need to make the video.

Also I'd love for the song to be named Bubblegum Lolita..because that's what she is known as. xD'


Teto's Territory
welp even though mine probably won't get picked its worth a try XD (download can be found here if you do use it)
type of song? maybe something sad and slow.

amaterasu miya

Ruko's Ruffians
Defender of Defoko
oooh! this looks cool :3
i'm not good with lyrics/melodies and the works :cynical:
uhm....i doubt i'm going to get picked to be honest :tongue:
but 'tis worth a shot
she is called Amaterasu Miya
she sounds better with harmonies :creepygrin:
as for the song style, something kinda sad-ish please

thank you