I'm not really sure how this kind of thing works, but other people seem to have fun doing these so I want in on the fun basically ;a;... Anyways, my ORPHONOS UTAUloids could use some friends besides one another ;u; They are all some weird something, "fantasy" based mostly... they can be friends with about anyone, so please feel free to reply to this with your UTAUloid that would like to be friends with all/some/one of mine ;o; We could RP and stuff hopefully if you like~
Click their icons below for links to their Wiki pages~ They have information such as personality, etc.

((I may add "ZETTA" later, but I'm not in charge of the character itself so for now I'll leave her out ;u

EDIT: Here's song samples of the three of them together:
My horrible mixing/tuning Order: PAN, fERRERO, lanceLOTTE
RAW vocals in resamplers, flags f-15y30B0 Order: lanceLOTTE, fERRERO, PAN
I might like duet partners and the covers and the shtuffs too if anyone's willing(at the moment my computer does NOT have room for VCV banks but feel free to suggest them too if you think they'll sound good together, because I'm hopefully getting a new computer with more space soon~) These banks of mine are Japanese CV with some extra sounds to improve multilingualism. They are in BETA stage, though mostly because I am unfinished with all their concept art(you can still see sketches and PAN's completed art from links in their wiki tho ;u

EDIT 9/25/2013:
Also, would you guys fill out this form for each UTAU you submit so I can know a bit about them? Thank you~ ;u;
Personality: (Make this short, long, whatever you want~ Wiki links work too~)
Picture: (If you don't have a picture, a short description will suffice~)
Voice Sample: (If you have one~ If it's a soundcloud or youtube link I will definitely follow/subscribe to you~)
Link: (If you have a website, blog, etc. for you UTAU please link me~)
Thank you all~