Getting Creatively lazy with my introductions...


Teto's Territory
Hello, everyone! Some of you may recognize me from VO or Twitter, where my handle is Austinuity. Since I'm super lazy and REALLY don't feel like doing an introduction, I decided to do a review of my VO introduction from months ago.
Ready? Let's go!

Greetings, all!

Outer Science- Mizuki Zuiga

Yup, this is still my most favorite UTAU cover. EVER. I still like Zuiga, too, though poking around in his voicebank almost made me vomit from confusion.

Hello, new member here :smile: First off- I would prefer to be called Austin as I peruse and contribute to the forums. No relation to my screen name, I know, but I'd like to be called that anyway. 'K and Thnx and Bye.
Hmm, how clever I thought myself back then. How long ago was that again?

My borderline obsession with vocaloid probably started outside of the vocaloid fandom, surprisingly, and in the realm of utaites. It started on a hot summer day, with my friend showing me a song about a hot summer day (heh). I was hanged out over at his house about two years back when he starts browsing DeviantArt and commenting halfheartedly on all the hot bois, when we come across a fanart of Kagerou Days with its sweet, luscious boy-on-truck action.
I did about five million cringes at the phrase "All the hot bois" just then. Holy ****. Also, how wonderful that I stole a joke from Jubyphonic.

Curious, I ask him what it is, and... well... needless to say, I was emotionally ravaged by the Jubyphonic English Cover that he showed me (except I wasn't, because no matter what people will tell you KagePro has about the emotional impact of a Care Bears holiday special). I then proceeded to listen to stuff by Good ol' Juby on repeat for the next 6-ish months, until the upload of the Outer Science cover made something click in my head- I was at the tail end of an extremely lengthy and awe-inspiring creative cycle.
Ughhhh. UGHHHHHH. Need I say anymore than that? I still like Outer Science. Still. Even after seeing MCA chicken everything up. Still. Also, the hell did I mention Care Bears for?

Even MORE curious, and a little scared, I walked my way through the labyrinth that is the Youtube vocaloidsphere, until I found myself at the point I am today. I've dabbled in UTAU and my friend's copy of Avanna, gotten frustrated at the low view counts of Avanna, yelled at people for not likingAvanna, and cried over Avanna. My love for Avanna is only rivaled by my worship of the almighty MeijixZuiga master race, whom transcend all of time and space and rule the Vocalutau circle with an iron yet unseen fist. Where was I going with this?
This is still mostly true. I still LOVE, LOVE, LOOOOOVE Meiji, and REALLY love Avanna, but I've sort of trailed off on Zuiga...

Anyway, I AM guilty of liking a pair of admittedly flawed UTAUs over Miku-chan-tan-kun-senpai desu or the absolutely perfect and dreadfully underused Avanna (seriously, I LOVE Avanna). The two make a unique couple with vastly different but well blending vocal styles, and are so full of life and emotional you could...



I should mention now that RageyNoodles is currently my favorite UTAU user, and that things will be incredibly awkward around here if she's on this site. Also, "Miku-chan-tan-kun-senpai desu" is the only vaguely humorous thing in this whole post.

Some of my other favorite vocaloidy things (in no particular classification or order) are VFlower, IA, Hakune Machi, Circus-P, Jin, Outer Science, Kagerou Project, Evillious Chronicles, IA's See the Lights, Circus's animated shorts (Domoreplz), and just anything SeeU (as much of a tragedy her situation is).
"Hakune Machi". Just let that sink in for a bit. Not sure why I mentioned Evillious Chronicles, either- I've only ever watched one or two songs.

EDIT: Whoops, forgot general likes! xD I just really like anything that goes bleepity bloop. That includes anything electronic music, vodeo games, UI/UX mockups, computers, and the assorteds. I am bisexual, and as of yet cannot maintain a relationship for more than two months- probably because I'm an absolute, self-proclaimed a**hole. I LOVE the wipeout series of video games and balls-to-the-walls, completely insane racing. I also like management sims (OpenTTD, RCT, etc). I'm a budding Sonic fan, and as such am required to have a high degree of bad taste. A purplish-green is not a bad color.
**** THIS WHOLE PARAGRAPH AND IT'S CRINGEWORTHY WEABOO ATTENTION SEEKING. wipEout is still just as fantastic as ever, though.

Since I made this introduction, I feel like I've learned a lot about myself and the fandom in general. I can name a fair amount of vocaloids and UTAUs, I have a better sense of what I genuinely like. After dabbling around with a lot of things (including making Aiko sing about Catherine Tate), I've pretty much decided that my focus in the community from now on will be MMD works and writing reference materials for the community. I wrote the UTAU wiki 1&2 articles and VocaDB page for Gahata Meiji, in fact, and I'm now currently working on an MMD video with Crystallyna's Meiji model.

I think that pretty much covers it! Anything else you guys want to know about me?
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