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Help with Compariosn of ACT 1.1 and ACT 2


Teto's Territory
My UTAU's first birthday (or second, depending on how you look at it) was on July 17. I had planned on making an ACT 2 for her (since she kind of needs it, she needs more sounds and better pronounciation) but as a result of a microphone malfunction, I couldn't get it out on time.

I was originally going to use a computer mic that's built in, but running it through the UTAU program made it sound strange (and I think it's because the computer mic has bad quality). So I finally decided that I need a new mic and I bought one. I know it's not a heavy duty microphone, just an inexpensive one on Amazon that I bought. I set out to record the day I got it.

Now, I recorded all the sounds and I thought I did a pretty good job of sounding how I originally sounded when I voiced her ACT 1, so I went straight to oto-ing it without running it through the system. I noticed that it was a little hard to oto her because the sound files didn't look as.. strong as for her ACT 1 when compared to ACT 2.

After I was done, I played with a couple of .ust's that were on my computer and I don't know how I feel about her ACT 2.....

Can you listen to the comparisons please?

I don't know if it's close enough to call it an ACT 2 of my UTAUloid, and it's making me a little sad, to be honest. I was really excited but now I don't know what I'm going to do since I can't seem to replicate the voice :sad:
And I don't exactly want to trash my hard work for making the ACT 2...
I know I wanted her voice to be a little stronger, but I think it's completely different.. but I'm not sure.
And I think ACT 2's pronunciation seems to struggle sometimes.. so maybe I need to fix that in the oto?

To make it easier to listen to the whole comparison, I cut out silences in the .ust...... so other than that, the material wasn't altered at all.

The song is Chain Girl, if anyone wanted to know.

Chain Girl ACT 1.1
Chain Girl ACT 2?


Always Watching You
Global Mod
Defender of Defoko
Well Act 2 definitely sounds clearer & less muffled, but the quality is the only thing I can tell that's different. The pronunciation is still off & the OTO could use a little work.


Feral Catboy
Defender of Defoko
Her Act II is much clearer, but I do agree with the previous commenter that her otos need a bit of work, but they are much better than those of the Act I.

However, if you don't feel that it's up to par with your expectations, then you could always scrap it and try again [as I have had to do with many voicebanks], but personally I can see a lot of improvement.


Teto's Territory
Thread starter
Thank you for the advice ^^

For what you guys said I could improve on...
1. For the oto, is there anything you can tell that needs to be worked on? What makes it sound like it needs work?

2. The quality of ACT 2... better or worse?

3. What can be improved on the pronunciation? I'm not quite sure what should be fixed.


Always Watching You
Global Mod
Defender of Defoko
It sounds like the green line is in the wrong place (though I'd really have to look at the OTO to tell). Also, some of the cutoffs seeem a little off.

I think overall it's better than the first, it's less muffled & much clearer for sure, but I hear a little background noise which I'd be wary of.

Your 't's are extremely English. It's sort of a pet peeve of mine ehehe sorry. The 't's should sound more like the 't's in "butter", not English hard 't's. This really isn't a big deal I guess, most people don't know the difference unless told. The 'r's also seem too English, but everyone has a problem with those. Your 'o's seem slighly English as well, it's not like "toe" it's more like "to-" like if you were cut off, but this is slight, & you can't really tell.


Teto's Territory
Thread starter
Okay, thank you so much!
I always struggle with the green line ehehehe. Would you be able to look at my oto? I've never had another opinion on it

And I've always noticed my T's sound weird. And with some of the O's I know I tried to make it sound like the "toe" sound, but I'm sure along the line I messed up.
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