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Hi everyone!


Momo's Minion
Some of you guys might know me from TikTok or YouTube, but if you don't, I'm Yoru_P. I (try to) upload UTAU covers of various vocaloid song every 1-2 weeks on my YT channel (https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC3tLQqR7X-kkyGsOvBY1IQA btw). I normally use Gekiyaku and Teto in my covers, but I also use other voicebanks sometimes.
I have quite a few goals I'd like to achieve as an UTAU "producer", but my two main (and maybe hardest) goals are to: Make a cover that is as good as (if not better than) the original version, and to make my own original song (which will probably be VERY hard since everything I think up for any future original song sounds like I'm copying another song but I'll cross that bridge when I get to it).

I hope you guys here like my covers and support me throught my little "journey" !


Ruko's Ruffians
Defender of Defoko
Nice to meet you! Hopefully your goals will come to light one day! I'm 炎上悪魔 (EnjouAkuma)! If you need help with mixing or anything like that, feel free to ask me, I wouldn't mind nor mind to be friends too ^^ (I'm mostly active on Discord, which is on my bio at the bottom if you wanna add me.)