Hi! It's wretchedkalamity~


Defender of Defoko
Welcome to the UF! You sound like trouble! Just kidding, lookin forward to seein ya around!

Fuutari Makku

Welcome to UtaForum! I hope you like it and I'd recommend you to visit the chatbox where you can find boring fun people to talk with and bad really nice people! ^_^


Ruko's Ruffians
Defender of Defoko
Welcome to Utaforum! I hope you'll have a great time!
If you need some help or something to read, check the Resources tab on the upper navigation bar, or if you want to see the voicebanks this community is making (among other things) check the Showcase!
And if you just need people to talk to, go to the Chatbox (as Fuutari Makku said).
Have fun!