As you know, I'm still half-assedly working on my Utau front-end Fuid/FVSS/whatever. However, I'm stuck at this problem with the overlap/preutterance that I can't figure out. Essentially, when Utau invokes wavtool.exe, it gives it, among other parameters, a special factor that adjusts the length of the note to account for overlap and preutterance. The basic number is derived from (currentpre) - (nextpre) + (nextovl), however on top of that there's something done to the number. There's a sort of dynamic "cap" that blocks the value from going any higher depending on the length of the note, the length of the note before it and the ratio of the preutterance to overlap, potentially among other things. If anyone understands this or has an idea what this is, please let me know. Thanks.