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Need help otoing a CV Voicebank cuz We suck at otoing


Teto's Territory
Defender of Defoko
We absolutely suck at otoing Voicebank's. So it would be nice if someone could help with this new Voicebank I made who is meant to sound similar to Vflower. All the voice providing was done by me. So I tried Otoing that voicebank and it just doesn't make a sound. If someone could help me oto 不可ワ (Fukawa) (it's a play on Vflower's Japanese name フラワー) other wise her western name is Fleure (french for flower) pronounced (fler)
Here you can download her non otoed voicebank.


UtaForum power user
Defender of Defoko
You can check the utaswap boards to find people who offer OTOs. There's the freebies and requests board, trades board, and commissions board.


Teto's Territory
I should be able to get it done by tomorrow end of the week at latest let me know if there's anything I should know, let me know if you need my discord

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