I tried to do some digging on my own before I hopped on here for this oto error, but I'm not that tech savvy and have hit a wall. Initially, my eseph_colors voicebank was automatically crashing upon me setting down a single note. I've gone as far as making sure to install the voicebank directly into openutau and setting the voicebank's encoding to utf-8 to match my notepad files. This has allowed me to set down multiple notes and even see the phonetic UI pop-up, albeit with all the text being glitchy/overlapping, but it will freeze if I try to play it. Ironically, the singer error report is exactly the same as it was before I made this progress, so I'm stumped. This is what the error report looks like:

I've heard talk of renaming the otos and a "vlabeler", but I still haven't fully grasped what an oto is and wouldn't know the significance of that process or how to go about it. I probably should've started with a simpler monolingual utau with less appends since I'm a newbie, but I really do like eseph's english voice, so any help would be appreciated!
(Also yes, I did set my preference to CLASSIC instead of WORLDLINE-R. Although the resampler is still worldline. I'm confused...)

I've heard talk of renaming the otos and a "vlabeler", but I still haven't fully grasped what an oto is and wouldn't know the significance of that process or how to go about it. I probably should've started with a simpler monolingual utau with less appends since I'm a newbie, but I really do like eseph's english voice, so any help would be appreciated!