Please help me out! It's about my UTAU's naming...


Teto's Territory
So, I just found out that the correct spelling for "歌川(my utaus' surname)" is actually "Utagawa" instead of "Utakawa(the one I've been using all this time)". Should I change my UTAU, Rina and Shun's name to "Utagawa", or should I keep it as it is? I don't know what to do...

I mean, "Utagawa" is correct, I don't want to stick with a wrong name. But on the other hand, I've been using "Utakawa" for a while now, also, if I change their name to "Utagawa", when people are searching for them, stuff that are unrelated to them will come up as well...

I don't really know what to do... Please give me some advise?


Icon by Wanpuccino @ DA
Defender of Defoko
Utakawa is an acceptable name/spelling as well.
Don't worry too much.


Teto's Territory
歌川 is pronounced as Utagawa. It's a perfectly fine name to use ouo Actually, one of my old UTAU's also had Utagawa as her last name.

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