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The Life of an Utauloid


Ruko's Ruffians
Pianodream link said:
Ciel plunged hir shining pearl grey eyes into Diphtong's deep blue and hir voice changed, flowing from a soft deep male voice to a higher clear female voice with opera accents.
((Ahah, oh, I should say that my avatar isn't of my UTAUloid. Yeah...I really need to make a new one, sorry about that. ^^:wink:)

DT stared at Ciel. "Um, sure?" Was it just her, or did Ciel-san's voice change? (And yes, she just did stick an honorific to Ciel's name.) She had no problem with people touching her so long as they had a valid reason. She glanced at Ciel curiously. She still couldn't identify Ciel's gender, and it seemed quite rude to ask. She shrugged. What did gender matter anyway, so long as people loved her? ((<_<))

She turned to the girl who greeted her and her expression fell just a bit. Girls tended to hate her absolute awesomeness. ((<_<")) "Hello." she returned the greeting. "Was it...Aichou-chan...desuyo?" Names of girls never really stuck in her mind. (Of course, boys were an entirely different matter.)

Speaking of boys, there was one who just recently addressed her, and she gave him her full attention. "Oh really?" She giggled, in the I-think-I'm-adorable sort of giggle. "Thank you, Ciel-kun." she smiled, perhaps batting her slightly overdone mascara once or twice. After all, her costume WAS noticeable. A person had to be blind NOT to see it...though that wasn't their fault, of course.

She skipped the shower; she had already taken a quick one earlier in the morning, so she skipped down to the breakfast hall and ate her breakfast. She heard people talking about their current projects, and she wondered herself when she would record her next song.
"Perhaps make a more awesome cover of that stupid Hatsune Miku..." She murmured quietly to herself while nibbling her cereal. She had no idea why people liked that pitch-wreck. She didn't care WHAT people said, HER PIGTAILS WERE BETTER THAN MIKU'S. Of course, anyone else who said otherwise were just jealous haterz, and she didn't let anyone bring her down.
She laughed out loud.

"Nya...I don't feel like singing today." she yawned. The last song she did tired her out. Bad Apple! was actually a really tough song to sing. She hoped that her producer was happy with what she sang. ((I'm actually not happy, DIPTHONG. <_<))
She finished her cereal. Since she had nothing else to do for the day, she decided to follow whoever seemed interseting. Perhaps she might stalk someone. She enjoyed that. :3

((Roleplaying and imitating Mary Sues is so fun, gaiz. You get to be as annoying and as fake as you want to be. So...yeah. ))

Zelfie Windwalker

Ruko's Ruffians
((If I can still join too...Uh...I'll make a post later today when I have an actually have a keyboard. Or I'll edit this one.))

Name: Mayo Sotone (American order)
Age: 17
Gender: Female
Model #: 00
Likes: Spicy food, music, art, reading, writing, puzzles
Dislikes: bugs, trolls or otherwise trollishly annoying people, being labeled as shy
Other: Kind and caring, but has a passion for competition. Would like to be more tough. Can come off as blunt or mean due to being socially awkward, but she means well. She's actually shy, but you wouldn't be able to tell that.
Appearance: Concept Art


Teto's Territory
Ciel nodded at Diphtong's answer. sHe took off hir gloves and hir fingers ran across the shorter girl's forehead, then on the cheeks. sHe could feel the make up under hir fingers and gave a little smile when sHe touched the nekomimi.

_"Pigtails... And bow tie... The fabric is soft and the sewing is of the finest quality. Probably hand-made... I smell soap and perfume. You're a tidy person, are you not? I like people who take care of themselves, even if make up tend to hide one's beauty more than enhancing it..."

sHe felt the bowtie was a little loosened and tied it a bit better.

_"May I ask... is it the fragrance "Fabulous" you're wearing? I smelled it once on someone else I think..."

Her hands were soft and thin. A short pretty girl with a huge ego. How unusual. Ciel smiled again.

_"I just moved in the UTAU Inc's locales, but your aura is of the brightest and vivid color one could ever -see-. I hope you will... euh... get a lot of songs to perform... Yes."

_"CIEL! I alrready told you not to lie! Tell herr you'rre blind alrready, at least she will underrstand that rright!" NiKORU's voice yelled from behind the unisex.

Ciel sighted deeply and turned hir head to the foolish Filipino girl.

_"Were you not supposed to sing with your dear brother today?"

_"Nah. NiKO decided to date... his HISTORRY BOOK. :Y"

Two big egos meeting. Oh well, Ciel thought, this is gonna be an interesting day.


Teto's Territory
Thread starter
Aichou decided to take this moment and slip away from the group, feeling abit intimidated by DIPTHONG. With a sigh, she swung by the studio she had recorded in last, to pick up her prized headphones. She then looked over her sheet to see she was actually going to be recording quite soon, within the next half hour. So, she headed over to the signed studio, and decided to wait outside until it was her turn.

Ciel Phantomhive

Teto's Territory
"Oh, hey there, Sekaine-san. I'd love to sing with you. Do you know the lyrics already?" Ato said, and smiled at Ciel-Se. She liked hir a lot- sHe was Ciel-Sh's friend, which immediately qualified someone to be her friend too, and Ciel-Se was soft spoken, which meant Ato got to do most of the talking. Not to mention sHe had an amazing singing voice!
"See, there we go, everything's all set. It was no big deal, huh, Ato?" Ciel-Sh said, ruffling the blond girl's hair. Ato laughed.
"Yeah, yeah. Anyway, what are you going to be singing today, Ciel-kun?"
"I don't have anything assigned that I know of. I'm gonna go check the billboard after breakfast and see what I can find. Sometimes there's people lookin' for chorus members and the like."


Ruko's Ruffians
Defender of Defoko
Reicheru sat there for only a few more minutes until she got bored and turned back to her room. She sighed, as she playfully tapped herself on the head. She just remembered that she took a shower sometime in the morning, before going back to bed. She sighed in relief that she gotten that taken cared with. She quickly changed into an overall one-pocketed dress with a striped t-shirt, along with striped socks and church shoes, which were only the two main colors of yellow and white, before doing her hair into two pigtails which were tied with her signature bows. "There!" She said, proudly. Afterwards, she grabbed her pack and put it onto her shoulder, which hanged loosely. "Okay.." She whispered as she sneaked over to the breakfast hall.
  When she reached it, she slowly sat quietly next to the others, who seem to be in a conversation. She would love to speak to them, and she wasn't normally shy, but in this case...she has to lie low for abit, for they seem too busy to speak to her. She sighed as she tweedled her thumbs. "I wish I knew somebody here I can talk to.." She whispered to herself. This was all she thought at the time, she even forgot she was hungry.

Zelfie Windwalker

Ruko's Ruffians
((I'm going to pretend Mayo's been up for a bit already...that ok you guys?))

It was a day off for Mayo, so she had dressed in a T-shirt and jeans to eat breakfast. She had showered, after all, so why get a nicer shirt dirty or wet? At the very least, she had tied her hair back in her signature pigtails, though without scrunchies because she didn't really need them. Right now, Mayo was eating some yogurt and granola (yes, a health junkie for sure...) and listening in on others' conversations (it wasn't eavesdropping, so she said. Rather, it was originally accidental overhearing).

Mayo was more of a listener in cases like these. Joining the conversation was not hard--provided you joined it at the right time. And as now was not one of those times, well...she just finished her yogurt and recycled the plastic cup, then decided to check the bulletin board. Mayo hadn't had too much going on recently in terms of recordings, perhaps due to a lack of quality in the sight reading of "Love is War". Or, well--it could also be that she simply wasn't asked for often period. Mayo was no longer new to UTAU, Inc., but she could be mistaken as such because of her lack of visibility.

If there was any time to make a big break, it was now (As it always was). She began to search the bulletin for available songs. No one had yet responded to her request for male singer for a Recycle Bin/Salvage duet...well, to be fair, it was a bit buried under the various requests and announcements, so she unpinned it from the board and moved it to a slightly more noticeable place (though not blatantly obvious).


Teto's Territory
_"Um, no, I'm afraid I haven't learned the lyrics yet. Would you mind if we practice it a bit before recording?" Ciel gently said, leaning hir grey eyes back on Ato.

Ah, surely today would be bright, judging by the warmth coming from the window, and the light touching hir cheeks. Ciel suddenly felt a little vertigo and moved away from the windows, gripping on hir cane. sHe hadnt fainted since a few days, which was making hir glad, for it could only mean hir poor health was slightly improving, but better not ruin everything by getting sun-burned.

NiKORU ran to the board and grbbed a piece of paper hanging there.

"Look, NiKO! Mayo iz looking forr a male to sing with-z! Maybe instead of dating your homeworrk you should z-think about worrking a bit!" :Y


Ruko's Ruffians
((Urr, there's a slight glitch in the timeline guys...I'll just be fixin that...))
DT was slightly startled when she saw Ciel in front of her, and when...he/she began to feel her face. She shrugged her surprise away. She did give Ciel permission after all.
She began to smile just a little bit when Ciel complimented her dress.

"Pigtails... And bow tie... The fabric is soft and the sewing is of the finest quality. Probably hand-made... I smell soap and perfume. You're a tidy person, are you not? I like people who take care of themselves, even if make up tend to hide one's beauty more than enhancing it..."
Ciel had said. "May I ask... is it the fragrance "Fabulous" you're wearing? I smelled it once on someone else I think..."

She nodded enthusiastically. "Yes, that's one of my favorites! It's so awesome that you recognized it!" She clapped her hand. "In my humble opinion, I think with the right person, makeup can...what's the word...enhance what's already there!" She said, repeating some vocabulary that Ciel had already said.

However, it was when she heard Ciel's friend's (whose name she forgot because she was a girl [coughNiKORUcough]) statement when she made a final decision.

"You know what?" she said to Ciel. "You're cool, and nice and...uh..." she tried to think of another word. "...Fabulous!" She smiled, even though she wasn't sure that Ciel could see it. "I like you!" She had taken a liking to this person, though it was more of an admiration than a "liking". (But of course,  "admiration" wasn't in her immediate vocabulary.)
"So what do you plan to do for today?" she asked, thinking it might be more fun to follow Ciel rather than to stalk another victim.

((@Pianodream, Ciel is now a friend ally in DIPTHONG's eyes. It could totally be one-sided, if you want. Seems like if someone compliments her, she'll immediately take a liking to that person. I have a feeling, though, that she'll be full of one-sided relationships.
@Shugahime, Sorry for making Aichou feel uncomfortable. ;_:wink:)


Teto's Territory
Thread starter
Aichou spent her time, waiting, thinking about a certain someone. Once the studio was open, Aichou headed in, glad to start recording already. She knew the song quite well, anyway, so it should be fairly simple. She slipped on her headphones, closing her eyes as the melody began. It was a dark haunting melody, that had a touch of metal. Then, she begann to sing the lyrics, the worlds flowing seamlessly from her mouth. "Standing here... I spun those words..." She sang, as she began the chorus.


Teto's Territory
DIPHTONG was now following hir as Ciel headed to the recording studios. The unisex checked the pocket watch placed on hir left eye before anwering.

_"Well as you see I will record a song with Mademoiselle Ato and then... well... nothing else to do today for now I think... I might just go to the library as well. What about you?"

Ciel Phantomhive

Teto's Territory
Ato followed after Ciel-Se and Dipthong, running through the lyrics in her head one last time. It was a pretty silly song about one person who's in love with another, and the other is a "tsundere" type and refuses to acknowledge the love the pair have for each other until the end. She had been practicing for a while, even before Ciel-Sh had woken up, and she knew it fairly well, but she was still rather nervous.
"So, shall we practice then? I can play the original for you if you like... If I knew I was going to be singing with you, Sekaine-san, I would have gotten a copy of the lyrics in Braille or something, sorry..." I was hoping I'd be singing with Ciel-kun, she thought to herself but didn't say aloud. Ciel-Sh was following along behind her, after all, on his way to check the bulletin board outside the recording area.


Teto's Territory
Ciel turned back to Ato and smiled.

_"It's not a big deal, really. You can read the lyrics out loud to me and I'll remember them just fine."

A tsundere that didn't acknowledge his love for someone. A pretty sad story in hir opinion, but zhe secretly hoped the song had a happier ending.

Zelfie Windwalker

Ruko's Ruffians
((It's so hard to keep straight which Ciel is which :P))

No sooner had Mayo pinned the paper back to the bulletin than a girl with short hair ripped it back off the board and ran off with it. "Hey, wait--I was asking for a guy to help with that-- she started to say, but then saw the girl run up to grey-eyed boy.

He walked away with a different girl.

...Should go ask for the paper? I need to put it back on the bulletin if she's not using it...


Teto's Territory
Thread starter
Naturally, Aichou had to take, one or two more attempts before she finally got it right. Now, that she had her song finished for now, until they find another error, Aichou had free time. But, where would she spend it?


Teto's Territory
NiKO approached Mayo and poked her on the shoulder, shyly clearing his throat before speaking, and handed her the piece of paper.

_"My sisterr told me you werre looking forr a male parrtnerr to sing today. I... eh... I got nothing to do rright now so... I... em... can be yourr duet?"


Ruko's Ruffians
DIPTHONG decided to go outside of the recording area. At least she had the knowledge not to disrupt those two people who were about to sing. She began to dilly-dally in the hallway, taking some sips from a nearby water fountain. A few people went through the hallway, and she payed them no attention.

That is, until she heard NiKO ask a nearby girl for a duet.
At that, she looked at the girl (who she didn't know), curiously at first, and then with slight annoyance.
If anyone was looking for a duet partner, it should be her.

Me, I tell you. ME! She thought angrily.

In fact, she would have asked NiKO for a duet right then and there, if not for her cunning observation ((*)) that NiKO might be one of those shy boys that might be intimidated by her.
So she had to make do with quietly fuming; she was a superb actor, by the way. ((*))

She waltzed up to the bulletin board and gazed at the contents with an uncaring manner.

((*You should know by now that any compliments I give DIPTHONG are exaggerated to the extreme.))

Zelfie Windwalker

Ruko's Ruffians
((lol u mad DIPTHONG?))

"Oh! I, uh..." Mayo was taken a bit by surprise. Then she realized something. "Whoops. I made that a little misleading, I think." She laughed slightly with embarrassment.  "It's more of a pair of songs...so you would get to sing Recycle Bin, and there's a small part in Salvage that you'd need to record, too."

It was then Mayo looked down at her clothes and remembered that she wasn't exactly ready to record. "Um, I don't have the sheet music on me now...and I probably need to grab my headphones and such. When do you have time to record? So I can figure out when I need to get the sheet music to you by."

Suddenly she felt a chill as if someone was glaring at her, but there was no one looking her way besides...who was this again?

"What's your name? Sorry, I haven't always been good with names..."


Teto's Territory
NiKO passed his hands through his brownish hair, messing them up even wilder than before (if that was even possible) and answered, clenching on his homework book.

_"Well, I have thrree days frree frrom now on, and then I will have to study harrderr than before... Ito ay mainip..." he said.
"When do you think we could meet? In the music librrarry rright now maybe?"


Ruko's Ruffians
Zelfie Windwalker link said:
((lol u mad DIPTHONG?))

((XD Yes, she is mad.))

DIPTHONG, with her eyes still on a flyer for a lost stuffed animal, frowned. The nerve of this girl, who claimed that she didn't know who DIPTHONG was. As if!

She turned toward the girl with a smile plastered on her face.
"Oh, hello! My name is DIPTHONG-desu! Oh, but you can shorten it to DT, if you like! And yours?"

Of course, when she applied to the dorm, she had to use her real name for the application. She fumed for days at the unfairness of it all, before finally succumbing to the fact that the dorm contained an array of hot bishies. (aka, victims)

((So DIPTHONG is becoming the "Schoolgirl Rival", I guess. Yay! Seems like I'll be the source of conflict for this RP. XD))