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tn_fndsX (resampler download)


Teto's Territory
Defender of Defoko
Releasing another tn_fnds resampler edit. I call it tn_fndsX.

Feel free to download tn_fndsX here: https://www.mediafire.com/file/033q1omj534vqb5

New flags (case sensitive):
· X flag : use on specific notes that glitches
· M flag : specify for multipitch banks
· L flag : f0 estimation for voicebanks that don't work using original tn_fnds. Must be used with M flag.
(accepts 0~10: default 5) - number represents how much you want to allow pitch to fluctuate

W flag has been updated to work with M flag.

I have cut my explanation short because I feel that my previous resampler release post was too lengthy.
Read the read me file included in the download for a more in-depth explanation of flags.

Possible FAQs
Where's the TLDR? I don't understand the flags.
In general, these are the flag combinations to be used
X : For small glitches
XM : For stubborn glitches if X by itself doesn't work
XML : Wrong pitch estimations AKA Ambulance noises
W100M : A substitute for XML which runs faster but is more likely to sound robotic (depending on VBs)

Question: Why can't you just make the flags work by default?
My intention of creating tn_fndsX is not to change any part of the original tn_fnds but to just improve it slightly.
The original tn_fnds works well if the VBs are compatible. The XML flags disturbs this compatibility.

Question: I am using a monopitch bank and M flags do not work. What do I do?
Use this website: http://peabody.sapp.org/class/st2/lab/notehz/
Specify a number corresponding to the pitch of your VB after the W flag.
E.g. If you recorded the pitch at E4, use W330
If you are still confused, feel free to contact me for more details.

Question: Any examples of XML flags working?
I mean why not

Credits to azazel who made the original meme (?)

Feel free to contact me at my twitter @UtauZany for any other questions.


Teto's Territory
Defender of Defoko
Thread starter
Updated tn_fndsX slightly
Feel free to download here: https://www.mediafire.com/file/b6w225zfc1tl3xk
Now L and W flags are not dependent on the M flag
They are now dependent on UTAU .frq files average values so please ensure they exist before using the flags.

Updated flag description

· L flag : f0 estimation for voicebanks that don't work using original tn_fnds. Use only if original tn_fnds does not work on your voicebank.
(accepts 1~40: default 5) - number represents how much you want to allow pitch to fluctuate.
· W flag : f0 estimation for voicebanks that don't work using original tn_fnds. Use only if original tn_fnds does not work on your voicebank.
(accepts 50~1000: default 0) - Best to not specify a number since W flag will use .frq file average frequency if no number is specified.

Ignore previous flag recommendations, use XL or W (by itself) globally if your VB does not work with the original tn_fnds.

I feel that people are likely to be confused on what flags to use.
So I am going to release an automatic version of tn_fndsX called tn_fnds_PB on a later date. (in this same thread)
Please look forward to it!


Teto's Territory
Defender of Defoko
Thread starter
Alright, presenting tn_fnds_PB!
Feel free to download tn_fnds_PB here: https://www.mediafire.com/file/2ssj58ai40835q1

It's basically a more reliable version of the original tn_fnds. However, it renders slightly slower.
It does not include tn_fndsX's XML flags since it is all done by default.

W flag still exists. But it is not a must to use it. Ensure .frq files are available if you want to use it though.

Any other tn_fnds flags will work as intended except for the b flag. The b flag does not work since I allotted f0 values for consonants as well.
I did so because I was aiming for speed and robustness in exchange of consistency and accuracy.

What does PB mean? PB could mean "Personal Best". I believe it to be my PB tn_fnds edit.
Other than that, tn_fnds_PB combines both the ideas of tn_fnds and EFB-PB into one.

That is all. If you have any other questions, feel free to contact me at my twitter @UtauZany
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