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UTAU Sleepover!


Ruko's Ruffians
Defender of Defoko
((Sorry! ;A:wink:)

Reicheru sighed in relief. "Thank goodness I wasn't on those stairs.." She then turned to the corpse. "What WILL we do with it?"


Teto's Territory
((; A ; Sorry! THIS IS WHAT HAPPENS WHEN I GET TOO INVOLVED IN RPS orz; THIS IS WHY WE CAN'T HAVE NICE THINGS, YOU GUYS. Also, thank the lawd someone advanced the story, I was drawing a total blank from the suspense here, LOL))

Anka let out a sigh of relief at the sight of Lulu. "Good thing you're alright and not all cut up and hung like this one." She gave the corpse a playful kick to the head and all the nervousness and fear she showed moments ago seemed to have melted away. "I think we need to bury it. Maybe a Viking funeral. But that doesn't solve who killed her..."


Teto's Territory
(( xD Me too))

Sakura gingerly picked up the corpse and began walking back up the stairs. "Yeah, I think we should give her a proper burial too. We can figure this all out afterwards."


Teto's Territory
Sophia was slightly relieved when Lulu came tumbling down the sliding staircase like that. Thank goodness it wasn't the Kasane's, they'd be dead if it were. She then glanced at the corpse laying on the ground.

"Ah, yes. I'll just carry her out of here, it'd be easier to examine the remains once we get out of here. It's too stressful here."

Was it creepy that she said something like that nonchalantly, lifting the body in her arms?


Teto's Territory
Defender of Defoko
Lulu continued to nervously rub the back of her head. "Wait is this- I know this UTAU!" said Lulu, surveying the UTAU. "It's.... it's... Otose?"Lulu poked corpse's head softly as the face turned upward to them all. "Yep. How did this happen?" Lulu pondered.


Teto's Territory
"That's what I'm going to find out." she said, looking down at the body that now lay in her arms. She would never understand how anyone could be so sick in the head as to do such a crime.

Sophia took the liberty to explain everything to Lulu; the photographs, the discovery of the corpse and knives, and everything else.

"We need to get out now."


Teto's Territory
((Otose? I've never heard of her))

Sakura looked sideways at Sophia. *She always says me and I, like we can't help her at all.* She shook her head, dismissing the thought. *She's just used to being a loner, I bet.* "Well, we better head on upstairs and give Otose a proper burial."


Teto's Territory
Defender of Defoko
((Well I thought Otose fit the description of the body, so.... xD))

Lulu walked to the foot of the staircase. Lulu noticed a window on the wall that had.... light coming out of it. She peered though and could clearly see daylight. She gasped. "I think I found a way out but it's a tight fit...."


Teto's Territory
Sophia glanced over to Sakura as she noticed her do the same, however her eyes ad been obscured by the lens of her glasses. True, she was quite the loner, though it didn't seem she had much of a choice. People just didn't seem to pay much mind to her, though she'd been around for over a year now. She herself wish she wasn't, but she just felt so awkward around others...

"I think we can find something to make the hole bigger, and make it easier to get through..."


Teto's Territory
((Now that I know what she looks like, I must agree.))

"Yeah, that should work..." Sakura walked over to the window and poked her fingers out of the space. She could feel dirt... "Hmmm...this house must have been built on a hill, and this windows looks out of the slope of the other side....so, if we had something strong enough, we could pry whatever's boarding up the window off, but we risk the hole filling up with dirt and blocking us back in."

((FDKFJWHFJBWLFKNWEI hate myself for doing this! I'm sorrryyy! But I can't help ot! I get carried away when I RP! xD))


Teto's Territory
((That is very ironic. O.o))

"All of you will have to decide on this, though any chance we have may just get us out alive." Sophia said, staring at the boarded up window before them. If this wasn't the way out, they would probably have to climb up the stairs, using whatever they could to keep their place rather than plummeting back to the ground.

"What do you guys think?"

((I'm sorry, I do that too. :< ))


Teto's Territory
Sakura smiled, the determination of Anka and Rei cheering her up a little. *Well, I may not be an optimist, but these two sure are* "Well, what do we have to do? Try to dig out this window or bust out one of the ones upstairs? Either way we gotta decide quickly."


Teto's Territory
Defender of Defoko
"Well," said Lulu," we'll probably just slide down the steps and who knows what's upstairs waiting for us. If we can get out of that window, we can actually escape the house itself, but un the risk of trapping ourselves in here till the twins come back. I vote for the window."


Ruko's Ruffians
Defender of Defoko
[[Lemme try to help]]

Reicheru sighed. After all, its getting boring down here, and sitting around is the last thing she wants to do. She looked up the ceiling and gasped as she tripped and fell down to her feet. "I didn't even see that!" She cried, trying to get e better look at it.


Teto's Territory
"Woah!" Sakura moved aside to avoid being hit by the tripping Rei. "You didn't see what? What's up there??"


Ruko's Ruffians
Defender of Defoko
Reicheru slowly raised her shaking hand, pointing towards the ceiling, which revealed a bloody map. It was hard to look at, but it was obviously a map. It seem to tunnel underground.