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will do UTAU box art, UTAU designs, cover art, chibi art for free


Momo's Minion
wellll, i've been quite bored lately, and i like drawing/making UTAU box art/designing UTAU's and drawing Chibi's

i want to help people who need art :3
Box art

UTAU designs:


If you want an UTAU design, can you please provide me with a description of roughly what you want it to look like? it could be very breif or super detailed, either way is fine by me, but an age and gender is what i'm absolutely needing :3

the box art will be in a standard posed character (basic 3/4 view like the examples) lest stated otherwise

for cover art/boxart/chibi art, please provide a ref. image :smile:
thank you


Momo's Minion
Thread starter
could i please have an age? :wink:

but i'll start it when i can (i'm at my dads so i don't have my tablet, but i'll start doing a sketch)


Momo's Minion
Hi there. Is it ok if i get an Utauloid design please?
My Utauloid is male and is around 16 years old. He has short, light purple hair and has blue eyes. He wears a short sleeved shirt (you can choose the colour) and black trousers with a purple belt. On his upper arm he has the trademark stamp H-01 in green. He also has a purple cuff/ bracelet. As for headphones you can decide.
I'm sorry if this is too much but it will be much appreciated. If you want a link to a demo of his voicebank to help you visualise, here's one:

Thank you :smile:


Momo's Minion
Thread starter
@glenny45 http://insanemollum.deviantart.com/art/Utauloid-Design-For-Glenny45-434519956?ga_submit_new=10%253A1392557362


Ruko's Ruffians
Defender of Defoko
could you do box art for me my utaus name is Katsumi Hayashi and heres a ref. image
http://th07.deviantart.net/fs70/PRE/i/2013/350/4/4/request_katsumi_hayashi_by_ninethartz-d6y58rj.jpg i didnt draw that also her name in Japanese is 克己林


Momo's Minion
Thread starter
here ya go :3