I have the cheese!


Teto's Territory
Defender of Defoko
I take my Portal gun and shoot one portal directly below you and the other directly above you, so you are doomed to fall for eternity in an endless loop. I snatch the cheese away from you as you whoosh through the top portal and into the bottom. W00t.


Momo's Minion
Defender of Defoko
I grabbed my violin, whacked you with it, got my piano, smashed you with it and proceeded to stomp on you. I then rolled your body into a pit, and buried it.
Then I built a house ontop of your grave.
Then I took the cheese.
So now I have it.

Then I ate it.

Because I was hungry. :sing:


Ruko's Ruffians
I reverse time and take the cheese before you can eat it, creating a time vortex which causes this universe to collapse, but I escape to an alternate universe through the TARDIS.


Teto's Territory
Lemondolly and Me went on a roller coaster and she threw up with the cheese in whole. That's gross but, I NOW HAVE THE CHEESE!


Teto's Territory
Defender of Defoko
I came in ultra sexy cosplay and talked you into giving me the cheese. I have it, o ho ho~


Teto's Territory
હું તમને આ કરવામાં અને ગેરસમજ you.I એ ચીઝ છે ભાષાંતર!


Teto's Territory
Defender of Defoko
I drew a picture of your UTAU that was so horribly disgusting that you ran away screaming after you dropped the cheese. I got it now!


Teto's Territory
Defender of Defoko
I switched the cheese with a foam cheese while you weren't looking. I have the cheese, now!