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UTAU fandom updates, including software/plugin updates, album releases, contests, collaborations, and convention panels! NonUTAU news is accepted as long as it is relevant to the community. Submissions are moderated.
General discussion of the UTAU software, voicebanks, usage, or community that does not fit in any other category. News threads may be moved to the Community News section.
Having issues with the UTAU or other related software? Want to request a tutorial? Be sure to check the Tutorials Directory before posting in this forum.
...and the list goes on! If a synth gains 10+ active topics, a board will be made for it.
For the time being, please keep discussion of "UTAU successors/clones" (or any synth based on the UTAU groundwork) to UtaLabs!
Groups are your own special section of UtaForum that you can share with others. Become the mod of your own forum, gather people with shared interests, chat, collaborate, and be creative together!
hello, im just here to find things to make utau less annoying
ill pretty much only reply with questions or bug reports. i dont know much, so take my advice with some salt.
i dont mean to come across as rude, so if i do, sorry