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openutau issue

  1. luminary

    how do you uninstall openutau on linux

    i'm now trying to uninstall and reinstall openutau so it's given a completely fresh restart since it wouldn't render as I said in my first post. however I have absolutely no idea how to uninstall it since whenever I click on the app with both fingers it just has "pin to shelf" which is not what...
  2. kawakui

    ErrorCode:RuntimeException Help when Using Diffsinger

    Hi there! I'm a longtime UTAU user who's having trouble using OpenUtau/Diffsinger. I recently downloaded a Diffsinger bank, and after a few minutes of rendering, I get the error code below: If anyone knows how to fix this, please let me know! I use the x64 version of OpenUTAU for Windows.
  3. theciphereffect

    OPENUtau won't launch after changing to Beta and updating

    ive been using openutau for well over a year now along with using utau's in general for that same time, and today i decided i wanted to try out using diffsinger! when i went to preferences and turned on "beta", i restarted openutau and was prompted to update, which i did. now it just... wont...
  4. whycho-san

    plz help

    there are 0 tutorials on how to use them and its really difficult and im struggling to make a voicebank. ive otoed it, made a character.txt but i cant edit aliases in open utau which is very inconvienient but im not sure if its causing the rendering problem. WORDLINE and wordline r wont work so...
  5. whycho-san

    how do i make a voicebank ONLY using openutau and vlabeller

    there are 0 tutorials on how to use them and its really difficult and im struggling to make a voicebank. ive otoed it, made a character.txt but i cant edit aliases in open utau which is very inconvienient but im not sure if its causing the rendering problem. WORDLINE and wordline r wont work so...
  6. RetroShiba

    Utau Voicebank Cutoff

    For some reason, this only happens when I try the Audacity method rather than Oremo, but whenever I use the voicebank on OpenUtau, it seems to cut off whatever note halfway through. However, whenever I use the same voicebank on regular UTAU, it seems to be working completely fine. What could be...
  7. praisethelamps

    Is there any way to install resamplers on OpenUTAU for Mac without wineskin?

    I'm assuming the answer is no. I thought I may as well ask as a last ditch effort, though. I've been trying to get Wineskin to work, and it looks like I'll probably have to update my OS to do that, which I'd really rather avoid if I can. I'm on Monterey 12.6.5, if it helps at all to know that...
  8. Tofumoshi

    Is there a better arpabet phonemizer for openutau than the integrated one?

    Hello synth friends, i have a question. Is there a better arpabet phonemizer for openutau than the integrated one? I'm currently working on my medley and I'm really struggling with the integrated one. I have to correct literally everything anyway and its really not intuitive.
  9. lepilob

    English OpenUtau words wont play

    Hi! I just started working with Utau today and settled on using OpenUtau. I'm using Mimi Yorune and everytime I use certain words she skips it, and goes to the next word. the ones im noticing are The and Thy, though there could be more. Not sure if this is a known issue but any help is appreciated
  10. elizaditton

    Disappearing VCs after switching voice colors while using CVVC phonemizers

    Hey guys, I'm having a weird problem here. I've been working on a new multipitch CVVC voicebank, and I decided to try setting up voice colors in OpenUtau so I could test OTOing progress. But for some reason, OpenUtau's CVVC Japanese phonemizers (both of them) don't seem to like my voice color...
  11. Akiroo

    Anyone know how to fix this problem in OpenUtau?

    I was messing around with Elu Amaga's voicebanks (merging them together), but when I was done and went to test it out this message appeared. It seems to be problem with the resampler maybe? But it was working before I merged the voicebanks... 1715800610 Never mind, I figured it out! I'm a big...
  12. Hikaruuuuun

    Somehow, in some way or another, the voicebank does this

    Somehow, in someway or another, my voicebank does this: Im using openutau, JA VCV phonemizer on a CV voicebank, with VV phonemes for smoother vowel transitions. Any other vowels seems fine, but "a i" for some reason gets somewhat static and unnatural. I tried deleting the .frq file and it wont...
  13. Melody

    OpenUtau doesn't want to open for me.

    I've recently been working on a cover of Hated By Life Itself, but OpenUtau just isn't opening, no matter what I do. Video for reference:
  14. Baphobloody Goat Dream

    Moresampler Randomly Stops Rendering (OpenUtau)

    Working on an original with two tracks atm. One track is of Theory singing the majority of the vocals, but there's smaller bits that were done by another voicebank. Moresampler is in the wavtool and resampler folders for Openutau. Theory's parts all render just fine when I play things back to...