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oto issue

  1. Kosho9

    How you oto phonemes with M and N on a CV voicebank?

    Hi, im having trouble at otoing a voicebank again. As the title says i don't know how to oto phonemes with M and N, when i oto one of them instead of the voicebank saying "ma" it pronounces it like "ma-a" and idk how to solve it. Here an image of how im otoing the phoneme
  2. kiito

    Set param oto doens't work

    someone help, why my setparam auto generator oto for vcv doenst work, i putted the start in the right secons and still it doenst work, someone help plss
  3. SkipperIsCoolIG

    OTO.ini is pain.

    Hey, everyone! I need some help here. So, I'm making an UTAU bank that's a fanloid for the Macne Series, and he has some... issues with the OTOing. Is there any app that I can use to do this automatically? Or do I have to just spend like, 3 days of painful slaving over my laptop to get him to...
  4. S3MiLiA

    What is going on with my CVVC voicebank?

    Please help me What is going on with my oto, I worked on it for a few hours and now it looks like this? Please help, I feel like I'm gonna cry I worked on it so hard If there are any YT tutorials, **PLEASE LINK THEM** I have no idea how to search for this issue :cc I literally feel like I'm...
  5. hosbirb

    issues with otoing i guess

    so basically im making my first utau voicebank (a cv one ofc),i otoed (?) the samples with setparam but when i try to imput a lyrics some syllables are silent.can someone please explain if i did something wrong or anything?
  6. ToastSchinkennn

    How can I make a UTAU sing right(re-installation corruption)

    Hi guys, I tried asking once but, it wasn't very helpful that's why I decided asking again, giving clearer details: I installed the App according to many tutorials right (setting my locale to japan, moving the folder to documents, and starting in administrator-mode), but everytime I put my...
  7. neopronounz

    cv otoing question!

    so i have my very first utau, and im mostly done otoing him !! he enunciates properly now after i completely overhauled them and actually followed a tutorial, but i'm looking to clean them up a bit more!! he has a hard time transitioning between notes when they overlap and just kind of sounds...
  8. Reelok

    Need help with OTOing 'long consonents'

    So this is my first VC voicebank and i really need help OTOing it ive binged god knows how many hours worth of tutorials on how to OTO ive managed to do short consonents really well, but long ones like 'shi' and 'tsu' and really just not it i tried to oto 'shi' but whenever i stretch the pink...
  9. ketsurui

    My VB doesn't work. (Pls help)

    Hi, it's my first serious attempt to make a voicebank. It's name is ザクロ or zakuro. It's CVVC, monopitch. Download: https://www.mediafire.com/file/0ip5d0mvnrjbqej/zakuro.rar/file Now i found that it doesn't even work. I don't know what's the problem. Can someone check oto? I've payd for this...
  10. H

    UTAU wont work properly

    i have installed utau twice on two different computers and both times they improperly work. sure the issue could be regarded when i playaed around with the oto of voicebanks but the problem is fundemental, whenever i write a note, only 0,1 seconds of any note lenght plays an obscure sound of the...
  11. umbrellamelon-pan

    A Problem with My Oto [VCV]

    I finished recording everything a few days ago, and afterwards I generated a base oto with setParam. I opened up setParam again so I could touch up everything, but there's a problem with the files(?) So, my oto.ini file looks like this. There seems to be only one file for each string. Does...
  12. ecopunk

    Matsudappoiyo with no oto.ini?

    So I've tried to download multiple Matsudappoiyo VBs from the official website (They're currently up for 10th anniversary), and all the oto.ini files are blank. There are full ones in each individual folder, but the primary one is blank. I really want to be able to use Matsudappoiyo while he's...
  13. kaimiz

    IroIro Plugin: oto.ini error (How to Fix)

    I came across this problem with the IroIro plugin (aka, the great Bizz's Utau Plugins), where a message would pop up in full-on Japanese. To those who can't read it, all that is recognizable is "oto.ini", "OK", and "Cancel". Essentially, the pop-up is saying that there was an issue reading the...