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Disappearing VCs after switching voice colors while using CVVC phonemizers


Teto's Territory
Hey guys, I'm having a weird problem here.

I've been working on a new multipitch CVVC voicebank, and I decided to try setting up voice colors in OpenUtau so I could test OTOing progress. But for some reason, OpenUtau's CVVC Japanese phonemizers (both of them) don't seem to like my voice color settings. I had my voice colors set up like this: (main), consisting of the pitches A3, D4, G4, and C5F so it will automatically transition, and then one voice color per pitch for testing purposes.

However, when I did this, and changed to any voice color other than (main), the VCs were removed from the phoneme section. When I switched back to (main), the VCs would not return. It was like I broke the phonemizer.

I also noticed that when I tried changing the voice color via the individual notes (e.g. [のA3]), this would also cause the VCs to disappear, and not reappear when I changed the note back.

I've found what *does* work so far is only having one pitch per voice color, but I want that automatic transitioning to happen and to be able to switch between appends down the line. I also want the freedom to edit individual notes without the phonemizer breaking.

When I change the voice color for a VC and it disappears, this is what the debug window is saying:

05/21/2024 22:47:56 -07:00 : Information : Publish notification Part rendered.
05/21/2024 22:47:56 -07:00 : Warning : Part rendered. not on main thread
05/21/2024 22:47:55 -07:00 : Information : Publish notification Pre-render notification.
05/21/2024 22:47:55 -07:00 : Information : SchedulePreRender
05/21/2024 22:47:55 -07:00 : Information : undoGroup ended
05/21/2024 22:47:55 -07:00 : Information : Publish notification Phonemized
05/21/2024 22:47:55 -07:00 : Information : ExecuteCmd Set phoneme expression clr
05/21/2024 22:47:55 -07:00 : Information : Publish notification Phonemized
05/21/2024 22:47:55 -07:00 : Information : ExecuteCmd Set phoneme expression clr
05/21/2024 22:47:55 -07:00 : Information : undoGroup started

As a side note, while I haven't finished OTOing all of the pitches (only A3 is finished so far), I am using a base OTO I made which includes all the necessary aliases, so I don't understand why the phonemizer isn't recognizing the notes and pulling them up in the individual voice colors like it does in (main). It's like it thinks these pitches are CV when I switch voice colors and I don't know how to tell it otherwise.

So yeah, not really sure what's happening. Any help would be appreciated! Let me know if I need to provide any more information or upload the voicebank. Thanks!


UtaForum power user
Defender of Defoko
For a single expression voicebank with 4 pitches, I recommend only having a main voice color with the pitch mapping, and using the Tone Shift expression to change the selected pitch on individual phonemes.

Once you make voicebanks with multiple singing styles, ensure that each voice color is using a unique collection of suffixes. OpenUtau is probably confused because the same suffixes are being used across multiple voice colors.


Teto's Territory
Thread starter
For a single expression voicebank with 4 pitches, I recommend only having a main voice color with the pitch mapping, and using the Tone Shift expression to change the selected pitch on individual phonemes.

Once you make voicebanks with multiple singing styles, ensure that each voice color is using a unique collection of suffixes. OpenUtau is probably confused because the same suffixes are being used across multiple voice colors.
Thanks for the reply! I had no idea about the Tone Shift expression! I tried it and it ended up working without removing the VCs.
I was initially considering keeping the extra voice colors, but now that I know about this I think I'll do what you recommended and stick to one voice color per singing style to keep things simple. Thanks for the help!
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