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notes missing after rendering the .wav file


Momo's Minion
Okay before I start I would like to say that I'm not really using the program for its intended purpose, so I don't know much about it. okay so, I wanted to render something I made to a .wav file so I can use it in a digital audio workstation. but after it finished rendering the file, the recording had a lot of notes that were just completely missing. I think it just fails to render these notes and I don't why...
any suggestions?
(also, my apologies if my English is bad).


UTAU English advocate
Retired User
Defender of Defoko
Check the oto file. If you don't have anything in there aliased with whatever is in the lyrics of the notes that aren't playing, no sound will play back because UTAU won't have any source sound to call from.

For example... here, our selected note has あ as its lyric, but there is no wav file in my voicebank called あ nor anything aliased with it.

By putting あ in the alias box and hitting Set, and then OK, UTAU will have a file to call upon for notes with the lyric あ in it.

あ might not be the problem note for for you, but I hope this helps somewhat. If it doesn't, please feel free to describe your problem in more detail here in this thread for any onlookers who may be experiencing the same issue.

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