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Social Groups & Media*booru | New 5.0β Features

New UtaForum 5.0β Features: Social Groups & Rich Media*booru​

Social Groups Overview​

Social Groups are the official implementation of the old "FanClub" system crossed over with "UtaLabs" and "UtaOC Roleplay". It is intended to add both private & public spaces where you can have your own corner of UtaForum. Use these spaces to share fun things, create roleplay universes, collaborate on projects, develop new ideas with your own customizable groups complete with members list, forums, gallery, calendar, and more.

Group Settings​

These are the different visibility and privacy settings for groups.

Public Group - Appears in group listing. Content can be either public or restricted to members. Anyone can join.
Public w/ Approval - Appears in group listing. Content can be either public or restricted to members. Requires approval from group mods to join.
Private Group - Appears in group listing. Content is restricted to only members. Membership requires approval from group mods to join group.
Hidden Group - Does NOT appear in the group listing. Content is restricted to only members. Membership is INVITE only.

Group Features​

These features can be enabled on group creation or added as needed under "Edit Group".

Create Group Forum - Creates a forum for your group. Up to 5 group subforums can be created. Unlimited threads supported. Visibility can be restricted to members or shown to the public.
Create Group Photo Area - Creates a photo album for your group. Photos can be uploaded and commented on by members. Visibility can be restricted to members or shown to the public.
Greate Group Event Calendar - Creates a shared calendar for your group. Coordinate events, anniversaries, or deadlines. Visibility can be restricted to members or shown to the public.
Upload Banner - Your banner appears on your group homepage and appears next to your group listing. Recommended resolution 820px x 312px.
Transfer Ownership - Appoint someone else as the group leader. Passes group admin role to a new user.

You can join unlimited groups. Newly registered users may need to wait to join. Registered+ can create and join groups. Registered+ can be an admin in up to 2 groups. Supporters can be an admin in up to 5. These limits are subject to change based on user feedback, just wanted to make sure everyone had the chance to create the FanClubs they wanted first. I might loosen these restrictions down the road.

Group Categories​

Currently, you can create Social Groups in one of 3 categories

Official Groups
Collaboration & Development
Fanclub Central
Roleplay Realms

I think these should broadly capture the 4/5 use cases I envisioned when I saw the Social Groups plugin. If you have any suggestions on more categories I should create, feel free to tag me.

Media*booru Overview​

Media*booru is our rich media implementation of a *booru style media board. Items can then have up to 20 tags associated with them, members can tag any content with relevant tags, tags will help discoverability of new content.

When content is submitted to the Media*booru it can automatically create threads in the UtaWorks or Friends of UTAU section. Please select the appropriate forum for your thread when submitting Media*booru content. This should supplant ordinary thread creation in these subforums. You may need to still prefix your thread in the Friends of UTAU sections.

Supported Media Types​

NicoNico Douga

Media*booru Features​

Embedded Rich Media
Auto-Thread Creation
UtaForum Re-Embed BBcode
Tag Keywords
Tag Users

Right now everything is organized by UTAU / Friends of UTAU and Song Covers / Originals & Remixes. I am open to feedback if anyone has other suggestions in how to organize Media*Booru submissions. As it is a *booru style gallery tagging will grow very important, I will increase the tag limit as necessary.

Feel free to re-submit items into the Media*booru that you already have threads for. If you report existing threads I can merge them.
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