The last person to post in this thread wins.

dyne 智優

Shoutbox Lurker™
Defender of Defoko
i-ung siot i-ung
yeah, thats what i put down to make the face...
(i can read korean dont think u can hide from me)
옫ㅎ염ㅈ햫ㅈㅁ퍄;ㅎㅍ챠주파야ㅕㅈㅎ려ㅓㅁ젛춎ㅁ휴ㅓ퓨먀ㅉ!!!!! (this is secret hangul codeu, you cannot readeu ;;;;;;;O )


cv bank enthusiast
Defender of Defoko
옫ㅎ염ㅈ햫ㅈㅁ퍄;ㅎㅍ챠주파야ㅕㅈㅎ려ㅓㅁ젛춎ㅁ휴ㅓ퓨먀ㅉ!!!!! (this is secret hangul codeu, you cannot readeu ;;;;;;;O )
od h yeom j hyah j m pya; h p chyajoopaya yeo j h ryeo eo m jeoh chyoj m hyoo eo pyoomya jj

i have no idea what half of this is.


Defoko's Slaves
Defender of Defoko
(I'm not good with grammar oops)

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