Critique Requested 【UTAU cover】Glucagon 【Glucagon (グルカゴン)】


Momo's Minion
I finally made the video for the cover that was on my soundcloud.
Mixing is not the best, I apologize.
It doesn't show Gluca's growl capabilities (VENT append) but it shows the desired range to be used on, something a bit more clear to how his canon voice should sound.


- Glucagon UTAU by iXari3l
OpenUTAU port by iXari3l
Fullbody artwork was courtesy of Fractured Hope
Logo by iXari3l
- Glucagon Original Song by EZFG
- Cover, Mixing by iXari3l
- UST by Thibaud and Adagio
- Subtitled Video by CySubs
- Video Montage by iXari3l