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What do you have in common with your UTAU?


Defoko's Slaves
Defender of Defoko
This is something I've wanted to ask for a long time.

Do you share a part of your name with your UTAU? Same height? Same favorite color? Anything is fair game! I just think it's fun to see how much (or how little) you resemble your own character. I guess this overlaps with fun facts about you and/or your UTAU, too.

Yuri and I used to be really different, but now we're more similar:
- same height (5'1) almost the same weight RIP
- liking video games, metal songs, space, and skies
- born in January (but she's the 25th and I'm the 22nd)
- that stupid thing called absolute pitch
- trying to be less shy
- easily confused
- favorite numbers are double-digits

If this is in the wrong subforum, I apologize!


UtaForum power user
Defender of Defoko
I think the more striking thing is how much my UTAU resembles the guy I last went on a date with.
- Same name (Dominic/Dominik)
- Same nationality (Filipino)
- Long-ish hair
- Glasses
- Favorite colors are red and black
- Bisexual
- Young adult age (though my UTAU is slightly older)

I think... I actually did go on a date with my UTAU.......


Ruko's Ruffians
Defender of Defoko
Ok so there’s a few similarities to my Utau Katsumi and I.

Name: My name also starts with “Ka”
Height: Both 5”9
Color: Katsumi is obviously a fan of the color pink. That’s my favorite color.
Age: As far as age goes I sort of see Kamski aging maturity wise. Although her body doesn’t physically grow because she’s an android. But basically we are both almost 20 years old. Also same birthday month I was born on October 11th and Katsumi’s initial release date is October 27th.


Ritsu's Renegades
Defender of Defoko
I love sunbathing, just like Yaemi! I also really love marshmallows, for some reason. Yaemi's birthday is August 20, while mine is August 19.

Mougeki Mero

Defoko's Slaves
Defender of Defoko
I always thought I didnt have much in common with my UTAU besides Mero, but I discovered I actually do!

* I'm 19, the same age as Ryuko Blair and Mougeki Allegro.
* I'm the same height as Mougeki Mero (166cm [5,4 feet(?)])
* Everything Mero likes I do too.


UTAU English advocate
Retired User
Defender of Defoko
My UTAU and I are the same height, but he wears heels so he's technically taller. Really the only similarity between us is a negative outlook generally. Other than that, I could say he's who I wish I was.
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Ruko's Ruffians
Defender of Defoko
Since I now have 2 utaus, I'll do both!! Akriel and I have a lot in common, so I'll just list a few!

  • Me and Akriel both really like pink!
  • We also really really really like spicy food
  • We have similar heart problems, his are just worse!
  • He loves video games as much as I do! League of Legends, Overwatch, and Osu! are his favorites, as are mine!
  • Pepto and I are the same weight!
  • We both really hate heat
  • We like the outdoors too!
Pepto and I don't have all that much in common but- still!


Teto's Territory
This is a good question actually... I've always said that me and my UTAU (Daichi) have absolutely NOTHING in common but i can think of some things:
  • We're both trans men.
  • We both tend to be.. blunt.
  • Both of us are into baking stuff!
Otherwise it's all complete opposites for me ;w;
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Teto's Territory
lanceLOTTE: We both... ?

fERRERO: We both like nature

PÄN: I got nothing

Pinokibou: I am a little mischievous like him I guess

Moral of the story: Either I'm bad at this or I don't have much in common with mine xD
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cv bank enthusiast
Defender of Defoko
me and Noke are kinda similar

-same height (4'11/149cm ;-; )
-same birthday (march 21)
-she likes kpop, but her favourite group is got7 and mine is nct
-like to sleep
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BOOM! Fanfic-a-latta!

Momo's Minion
Yuri (NOTE: currently unreleased) is literally me from another universe who's an AI
No, seriously that's her character
Though she does have differences
She's a lot more energetic, insecure, mischevious, and socially awkward than I am
Plus she likes lemons (THE FRUIT). Me, I'm more impartial to them.
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Ritsu's Renegades
Defender of Defoko
heheh, i have two of mine!

we can both be quite the b***h.
violence is the only way when it comes to strangers!
both 15 years old.
black is best color.

now hanakai is EXACTLY like me.
thicc, but will kick your a** if you even TRY to make a move.
despite weighing 156ibs. can run very fast.
not as pretty as they wish they were.
anger issues.
their senpai no love them. :')
depressed little bean.
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Teto's Territory
Well...… Here are the things Eve and I have in common:
  • Pale skin
  • Height (5'3) and weight (102.8)
  • Horrible fashion style-
  • Goes by both Eve and another name (Eve goes by both Eve and Ivu, and I go by both Eve and Abc)
And the things that are similar, but not the same:
  • Similar last names (share 4 letters out of 8)
And.... that's where the similarities stop.
...well, other than voices, but that doesn't count 'cause I'm her voice provider


Momo's Minion
Here's mine!
Me and Maruchi (Maru as referred to) are both half and half. I'm Persian American, and my utau is Japanese American.
We both know two languages. I know Spanish and English, he knows Japanese and English.
Both of us are bi, but more feelings towards dudes.
Both of us are also furries :3