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oto help

  1. W

    Making an English jinriki! ...Some help please?

    So as the title says, I found that there are no English Jinriki voicebanks out there, so I thought why not and decided to make making one my goal for spring break. I mean, how bad can it be? So I chose CVVC, grabbed one of Delta's reclists because I can read Japanese, and got to work. And oh...
  2. feelingiconiic

    um so i need help otoing a cvvc japanese voicebank lol....

    hi!!! so im not neccasarily "new" to UTAU, but i did take a *long* break (like 4 years when i was literally 11 lmfao) from it and i recorded a CVVC Japanese voicebank but im running into alot of problems and im not quite sure what im doing </3. if someone could help me oto this voicebank i'd...
  3. Viran

    Closed OTO Looking for voicebanks to oto

    Edit: No need to ask one by one, I will configure any requests as long as the spectrogram is readable. Which I cannot know until downloading the voicebank anyway I'm more than happy to oto Japanese voicebanks for those who cannot configure oto.inis. Requesting is fine if you just do not have...
  4. UsoppFanGirl

    Need Help For a Jinriki VB

    Hi, I'm trying to create a Jinriki voice bank of a haracter from an anime I watch! I have his voice lines from some games he's in, I've oto'd his VB too, bit he sounds pretty bad. Like, a scratchy metallic echoey sound? Some notes don't even work half the time, like "su" only giving me a...
  5. neopronounz

    cv otoing question!

    so i have my very first utau, and im mostly done otoing him !! he enunciates properly now after i completely overhauled them and actually followed a tutorial, but i'm looking to clean them up a bit more!! he has a hard time transitioning between notes when they overlap and just kind of sounds...
  6. IchiroHarukiOFFICIAL

    Closed PayPal OTO Looking For 7 Mora VCV OTO Commission

    I've recently finished my new voicebank and i would like to have it oto'd. it's made with oremo by the way, 120 bpm recording.
  7. xshugarrx

    How to alias ending breaths

    I see how they're recorded in existing voicebanks, and using that as a sample, how do you add (what I assume would need to be done) the alias of, example, "a R"? Even oto'ing it makes sense to me and I understand that, but actually adding "a R" etc as valid samples for UTAU to pull from the end...
  8. CrystalPeach

    Can someone fix my oto?

    I'm making my VCV UTAU via OREMO and SetParam and it sounds fine so far, but the oto is completely wrong... I'm not sure how to fix it to make it sound properly, so can someone help fix it for me? I can send over the oto and voicebank so you can see what the problem is, so please let me know if...
  9. emgy805

    VCV OTO template?

    Hey, does anyone know where I can grab an OTO template for VCV? I just want a clean-slate one with the syllables. Thanks in advance!
  10. SameshiiA

    Please help!

    I recorded an 7-mora VCV UTAU voicebank in OREMO and then generated base oto.ini using moresampler because I don't know how to make vcv oto at all. So, the problem is that I need to fix oto, or something, but I don't know how to do it and I'm looking for someone to do this for me. Also sorry for...
  11. A

    Hello! I'm new to utau! I have some newbie questions,

    I'm only days old on UTAU. I'm trying to create my first UST however, I have some questions. I kept on hearing about otoing. What is otoing? I downloaded Mawarine Shuu's VB and found out it has breath samples. How do i add this to my UST? Thank you so much! ^_^
  12. W

    Moresampler issues (+ choppy singing)

    Alright, so I was able to finally start doing UTAU again after a long hiatus after I was traumatized by my work being randomly deleted a little over a year ago. And I also added more otos to a VB I made before. I was really looking forward to testing out Moresampler with my jinriki, so I...
  13. Ako Sugawara

    SetParam Oto Help (Waveform not showing*)

    Heya y'all! So I am attempting to oto my newly recorded VCV voicebanks on SetParam and I am encountering some issues when otoing. In essence, the waveform is not showing on screen when I attempt to oto (I have enabled it but there is no waveform on the line). I have otoed VCV voicebanks before...
  14. Edgeberry

    Need help otoing a VCV bank

    So I just finished recording a bank after 2 years of not recording and I have no clue how to oto. I tried back in the old days of CV but was met with lackluster results. If someone could help me out, I'd very much appreciate it. Thanks for reading. :love:
  15. snowdropy

    Looking for someone to look over my oto.ini

    Hello!! I recently completed my first voicebank and finished the oto.ini. The overall sound is a bit choppy compared to other UTAUs I've put into USTs, so I was wondering if someone could look over my oto for me or offer advice? Here's an example of how she sounds; Thank you ! :creepy:
  16. AnimeaSPrin

    I need a male voice provider! And oto'er.

    Looking for a male voice provider to voice my boy Sai Fokushima! He's a twin to Shin Fokushima! I'm looking for him to have a CV JPN bank and a CV ENG bank! I'm wanting a more clear voice that's maybe semi deep and has a decent range, plus teenageish. Hoping for something on the more powerful...
  17. FluoroLime

    Simple question about otoing

    Hey utaforum squad I've recorded a cv bank that sounds pretty nice so far! However, some sounds are a bit sluggish in the consonant department. One common offender is 'so' in the b3 pitch. It's mainly just soft consonants that I have this issue with. Any help would be mucho appreciatedo! <3...
  18. IchiroHarukiOFFICIAL

    Could Anbody OTO My Attempt On A CVVC Bank?

    So I tried making a 8 mora CVVC Turkish vb with the reclist my friend made (not Viran). And i don't know crap about otoing cvvc banks. I only can oto CV banks lol. So i'd be glad if someone helped thanks :3 I'll send the VB through DM's.
  19. marshmink

    Otoing polishing/refinements?

    Hi! I own an UTAUloid named Okaru Itsuto, and his otos are completely Moresampler generated, and I was wondering if anyone could polish his oto? It's mostly fine, it just has some spots where it could be a lot better, and I don't have the patience to do it myself :blink: Please help!! It would...
  20. Tozzy

    I need help with my UTAU's OTO

    Okay so, yesterday I recorded a newer CV voicebank of my UTAU Luna using my new mic (blue snowball) and it did turn out great and clear too, but the problem is that I have no idea how to oto so since I recorded the samples on the newest mac version of oremo it has a button that says "generate...