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  1. sailor _ravioli

    re-design help?

    ok so i re-recorded an update for keitai's normal vb and i want to update her design but im not sure where to start ;0; sure her design is bearable but the socks and the shorts with the make her look like steve irwin i do want to make her more military themed to match the outfits of her append...
  2. sailor _ravioli

    UTAU -- Love is War (Mwk Remix) -- きろくけいたいWHISKEYβ

    she scream ust: minome keitai: me medeocre mixing: me (sorry i cant do any fancy mixing tricks ok) remix: Mwk song: ryo/supercell shout out to my internet for being a butt once again if u want the vb:
  3. MadHatter

    my very original and creative name for Otos bunny clip thing pls critic!11!!

    im naming it Usagi omg im so original and creative!11! pls critic it pl0x!1!!!!!!1!111one11!!!11! http://orig08.deviantart.net/f45e/f/2016/178/3/e/usagi_by_yokuneicecream123-da7uzuy.png pls critic dun be 2 mean~!!!11!~!!! (jfc i need help--)
  4. sailor _ravioli

    Opinion on UTAU used by artists not associated with the UTAU community?

    what's your opinion on this? know any other artists who use UTAU and are not associated with the community/fandom? I personally think it's wonderful utau is getting this type of exposure outside of the community/fandom I feel like its sort of refreshing to see what artists not associated with...
  5. whiteglove

    UTAU Cover Request: Project Ma

    I don't have a screen recorder, so can someone make a cover of Project Ma? Ust: http://www.mediafire.com/download/d2291rgvjo32363/survivalma+[moonst4r].zip Parts & Who should sing it: Iroha (Sung by Dazenloid) DL: http://www.mediafire.com/download/32st1vbhjhoh6i0/Dazenloid.7z Luka (Sung by Rita...
  6. whiteglove

    Can someone do a few covers with リタ危険な? (full-Hiragana Translation also encouraged)

    The upload is too large, so I'll link the VB so-far and her page on the UTAU wiki. Wiki: http://utau.wikia.com/wiki/Rita_Kiken'na DL: http://www.mediafire.com/download/2aock8h89laisl6/%E3%83%AA%E3%82%BF%E5%8D%B1%E9%99%BA%E3%81%AA+Rita+Kiken'na.zip ENCOURAGED COVERS: -Rotary Dial (Engrish...

    VOICEBANK OWNERS: Submit your voicebank to ANTi-G!

    Let me introduce you to my latest project: ANTi-G! The name probably speaks a lot, but what this is is a "label for voicebanks": you submit your voicebanks here and (if they're up to snuff) they become part of ANTi-G's "line-up". So go ahead and submit your (completed!) Utau to ANTi-G by...
  8. sailor _ravioli

    Dissolving Girl - Kiroku Keitai

    *drops this here* creds: UST by the meme man herself Half a Head Song by: sntb Art: chibiveggie ( aaa thank you so much! ;v; ) Keitai: me booty mixing: me
  9. bearhack

    「Tsuki Hikari」 Dancer In The Dark - Fatman-P Cover

    What else can I say?

    Looking to cover an English song to cover w/Utau

    Everybody, I'm seeking a song (or songs) to cover with an English Utau. Here are a few things I'm looking for: Must be English obviously Don't need UST (in fact better if there is not one made yet) Most genres are fine, as long as it's not that crazy high-tempo, high-pitched pop music (top-40...