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Design Turn-Offs


Teto's Territory
PurinPuff link said:
[sub]I think I enjoy complementary and analogous color schemes the most out when it comes to colors to a design.

Examples of:

Complementary: Fuki Kusane (Orange and Blue) and Kiki Okashine (Red and Green)

Analogous: Aline Enukyoku (Purple and the teal-ish blue.) and HARMON-E (Yellow, Orange and Brown)


My pet peeves are when someone makes an UTAU and they insist on having EVERY color in the rainbow in their design; it's too busy. The way I see it, it doesn't matter how good the clothes look on the UTAU character; if they're horrendous colors, people are going to hate it. Because of this reason, I'm mistrusting of double hair colors and heterochromia, as well.[/sub]

TL;DR: Purin ranted about the importance of color.

@ poundthemochi: Tree is a joke-loid, so I'm not surprised. xD

  I just firgured out.XD
Is it the same with New Folder and Trash Bin????


Teto's Territory
Guys, we should probably be careful.

This thread wasn't created to critique. It was to discuss the design pet peeves we had.

Sorry to seem standoffish, but I just wanted to make sure this topic didn't run away on a crazytrain. D:


Teto's Territory
I don't like Neko-UTAU, they're just overplayed. Crypton-designs are completely unable to be modified to something "original" nowadays. It's been done SO much that really I think most combination has been done lol.. Um, bright fluorescent colours in most cases, because people can't seem to co-ordinate them. Especially as hair. Hair is really hard to balance with the design if it's something ridiculous.. I can't really take traps seriously anymore. Uh.. Basically don't design an UTAU like Emi Akane and I'm sure it'll be OK.



Teto's Territory
Honestly I don't mind cat ears if they belong with the design, or if they fit there.. Like If there's a really shy and quiet character who don't want to stand out, but still wears a huge lolita dress with cat ears and a tail.. Doesn't make sense..
I have to agree with the Crypton rip-offs because I almost never see ones that look original and creative.


Ruko's Ruffians
Defender of Defoko
Ok, so I thought I didn't have these. Design turn-off.

However, that's a lie.

I'm open-minded about designs. I'm one of those rare weirdos who values voice above looks. However, BLATANT RIP-OFFS! I saw a pure Miku recolour yesterday and that's just... Too much. I can handle a lot, but not this. I'm sorry.


I kind of love fursona/furry UTAUloids; although I'm not a furry, myself. I think they're quirky and fun. [sub](Talks about what he likes about designs instead of what he doesn't)[/sub]


Momo's Minion
Futuristic seifuku designs
Exceedingly generic clothes [ Like stuff you see in a department store sale catalog ]
Grey/Black/Red/White monochrome schemes
'Punk' style--tie and chain pants
Not-so-lolita, but maybe lolita
Existing character's hairstyle [ ie: Rin's short, spiky hair ]
Neon/Highlighter color schemes
Designs with little conveyance
Odd face markings

Even though I don't like a lot of these things. There are some UTAU that have these in their design and stuff but I still really like them. But for other folk's whose UTAU I'm not familiar with.. Well, yeah. :<


Teto's Territory
Well a lot of designs don't bother me. I like a lot of them no matter what it is. But I do get really annoyed with Miku and Rin rip offs. I don't really see to much of others but those to really bother me. I actually like street clothing on some UTAU's. I don't know some times I think it can really make the character. I don't try to focus on the design to much but personally whenever I see a Miku rip off I automatically think it's going to be bad weather it's good or not. I also can't stand when people rip off another UTAU's idea (may just be talking since my UTAU was stolen recently.) but seeing that recently has bothered me so much I almost refuse to see that video.


Teto's Territory
Hmm, sure there are some turn-offs, but actually (aaactually...) I try to focus on the voice.
My turn-offs are:
- Miku Formula. Please, this is just... no. I'm getting so tired of this. It's annoying. (Funny thing is that Rika looks a bit like she's following the formula, but it was kind of an accident ovo;:wink:
- Red/Black color schemes... there are too many of them.
- Recolors. I hate, hate, hate recolors. Only 2 days ago I saw a recolor of Jei Crêpene in pink, green and whatnot on the wiki. Terrible. I'm always feeling sad for the original drawer, too. ;A; It's... just... And most of the time the quality of the VBs are rather bad or are "fanmade UTAUs", which is the only thing where I can say that the design turns me completely off.

Oh, I'm a bit curious about heterochromia; I don't see many UTAUs with two different eye colors. (To be honest, I only know Ruko and my UTAU ono;; Did I miss something? o.o) The heterochromia, in my case, were kind of random and I didn't want them to stand out that much like green/red (I wouldn't like that too o.O) eyes or something. I just chose brown and blue because it's not an unnatural color combination for heterochromic eyes.
I'm just curious, not like "asdf stfu you HAVE to like the UTAU blablabla although their design has this and that" XD I think heterochromic eyes are okay and acceptable when they have no abnormal colors. :3 But that might be just me. XD


Teto's Territory
Ranun link said:
Oh, I'm a bit curious about heterochromia; I don't see many UTAUs with two different eye colors. (To be honest, I only know Ruko and my UTAU ono;; Did I miss something? o.o) The heterochromia, in my case, were kind of random and I didn't want them to stand out that much like green/red (I wouldn't like that too o.O) eyes or something. I just chose brown and blue because it's not an unnatural color combination for heterochromic eyes.
I'm just curious, not like \"asdf stfu you HAVE to like the UTAU blablabla although their design has this and that\" XD I think heterochromic eyes are okay and acceptable when they have no abnormal colors. :3 But that might be just me. XD

My UTAUloid had heterochromia before I changed it; it's been so cliched and avoided that it's become rare, it seems. o__o No offense meant to your design though.

Anyone else find Miku-copy twintails a bit annoying? -_-


Momo's Minion
Yue Nagareboshi link said:
Hmmm ok:

1) Poor sense of color.
2) Abuse of CRYPTONLOID features + Poses.
3) Emo-angsty designs.
4) Clothes making no-sense in the full concept.
5) Overused Black-Grey/Monocolor scheme (Grey-Green, Black-Red).

Pretty much these.

Also, I dislike poor imitations of lolita/goths/steampunk/etc.
If you're going to make a design inspired by a style, at least do a little research.


Momo's Minion
My UTAUs aren't robots, accept for one- but his outfit is still pretty general. When I make my designs I think about if the outfit they are wearing can actually be ABLE TO WALK IN. A lot of my UTAUs (most of them are WIP) dress in street clothes. Because they are not robots.  I honestly could care less what people think the designs of my characters. The cyber look is a little old for me, and I prefer it for my appends.


Momo's Minion
Moriarty link said:
[quote author=Yue Nagareboshi link=topic=1045.msg7296#msg7296 date=1332631957]
Hmmm ok:

1) Poor sense of color. <- I cannot stress this enough
2) Abuse of CRYPTONLOID features + Poses.
3) Emo-angsty designs.
4) Clothes making no-sense in the full concept.
5) Overused Black-Grey/Monocolor scheme (Grey-Green, Black-Red).

Pretty much these.

Also, I dislike poor imitations of lolita/goths/steampunk/etc.
If you're going to make a design inspired by a style, at least do a little research.

seconding all of this, especially that last bit. I cannot stand iron-on designs that people just slap on and throw together without any thought, and that they then do not try to improve even with little things over time. And honestly, the history of fashion and basic artistic theories are delightful things to study that are entirely worth a person's time, so there's no need for poor/overly busy color choices or generic outfits.

[sub]I personally would like to see a few professional, non-greyscale monochrome UTAU designs, particularly in the shades of light pink, blue, and yellow. :U /might make one of these someday[/sub]


Teto's Territory
Defender of Defoko
B-based on your replies, I don't think you would like Bairetto's (my UTAU) design....

She wears a purple dress, a black belt, black fingerless gloves, a bow, and black flats. Oh, and she has brown hair and cream highlights.

But, I mean, it's how I look and it's s-something I'D wear....... :sad:


Momo's Minion
Does art style count when it comes to designs? Because I'm tired of seeing people emulating KEI's style when making box art or design sheets. It's been done so many times and I just really want to see more diversity in drawing styles.

Zelfie Windwalker

Ruko's Ruffians
ScandinavianSweetie link said:
B-based on your replies, I don't think you would like Bairetto's (my UTAU) design....

She wears a purple dress, a black belt, black fingerless gloves, a bow, and black flats. Oh, and she has brown hair and cream highlights.

But, I mean, it's how I look and it's s-something I'D wear....... :sad:
Just because there are design turn-offs, doesn't necessarily mean a design is bad.
Look at...say...Kikyuune Aiko. Crypton-style all the way, and many people don't like Crypton-style. Still a good design, though.

coffeemustache link said:
Does art style count when it comes to designs? Because I'm tired of seeing people emulating KEI's style when making box art or design sheets. It's been done so many times and I just really want to see more diversity in drawing styles.
I was about to say this myself. Sometimes the design is great, but I abhor using bases if at all possible.

Well, as for design turn-offs, I don't like:
-Color-blindness (meaning, what the hell the color combinations are awful)
-Traps, hermaphrodites, shotas
-Emo/angst designs
-Victorian designs (sorry this may be a nitpick, but it really stems from dislike of Victorian horror manga and anime that are so popular right now)
-"bland" (not just plain, but plain and boring) designs
-sometimes seifuku, depending on how it's done.

Of course, most of these are okay if done well.


Precious Flower with Thorns
Defender of Defoko
Thread starter
ScandinavianSweetie link said:
B-based on your replies, I don't think you would like Bairetto's (my UTAU) design....

She wears a purple dress, a black belt, black fingerless gloves, a bow, and black flats. Oh, and she has brown hair and cream highlights.

But, I mean, it's how I look and it's s-something I'D wear....... :sad:

Design turn-off's =/= bad design.

Turn-off's are personal tastes in designs. Like using Zelfie as an example, just because she doesn't like Victorian styled designs doesn't mean they're bad. I just so happen to love those designs(whether I would draw them or not is another story...). I also have an interest in steampunk as well...

As for art style playing a role in design...thinking about it I think it actually does play a big role in design because if you think about it, KEI styled art portrays skirts differently than say maybe a more western style of art if that makes sense. Depending on what your drawing style is may decide on how certain aspects of a design is drawn. Am I making sense here?! XD

I think this plays into what was discussed earlier with bad art not being able to portray the design well.


Teto's Territory
... *Ryo has a red-black scheme*
Honestly I don't disapprove Crypton-like style, if they aren't a recolor by a vocaloid to me it's okay .w.
Ryo has a crypton-like design just because I'm no good with males xD I'm also not good in complicated designs so I tend to make them really simple for my art style.
Also Amai was crypton like because of the same fact xD, when I improved my draw style I redesigned her xD

BTW, I dislike Neon colors so much .w. it hurts my eyes everytime I look at them! why not use pastels color insteed of a fuchsia! xwx

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