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Design Turn-Offs


Teto's Territory
Defender of Defoko
coffeemustache link said:
Does art style count when it comes to designs? Because I'm tired of seeing people emulating KEI's style when making box art or design sheets. It's been done so many times and I just really want to see more diversity in drawing styles.

Ah! I love it when somebody uses a non-KEI sort of style!

Hehehe, the crypton/Miku formula usually sets me running...but I love a good riff on it. I love Nunnoru's answer to the usual design...her sleeves are reminiscent of crypton-loids, but are a totally different sort of clothing item! I was like, overcome with joy when I realized this. What's the opposite of a headdesk, guys?

I wouldn't have thought to say clashing colours but I guess if I come upon a particularly offensive colour scheme I must mentally block it out, or something.

Really if it's anything really cool and different and stylish then I will be knocked out with joy every time....even if that cool/different/stylish thing is just details. I think a crypton-ish sort of look is fine if it has unique details....I'm pretty sick of detached sleeves, though, I'll have to say : P


Teto's Territory
i wanted to change my utaus design at first, but idk,i kind of like it again, not a big fan of red though XD, but i dont think i shud change it, well not yet

Yue Nagareboshi

Senior Tutor
Senior Tutor
Defender of Defoko
Zelfie Windwalker link said:
[quote author=ScandinavianSweetie link=topic=1045.msg9592#msg9592 date=1333963194]
B-based on your replies, I don't think you would like Bairetto's (my UTAU) design....

She wears a purple dress, a black belt, black fingerless gloves, a bow, and black flats. Oh, and she has brown hair and cream highlights.

But, I mean, it's how I look and it's s-something I'D wear....... :sad:
Just because there are design turn-offs, doesn't necessarily mean a design is bad.
Look at...say...Kikyuune Aiko. Crypton-style all the way, and many people don't like Crypton-style. Still a good design, though.

Yet, one thing we need to have in mind; in Aiko's particular case, is the day of release.

Kikyuune Aiko was released on July 10th 2009. When UTAU was pretty young and starting to have some spotlight. Back then, the Miku formula wasn't that bad because some users (both OS and JP) started to create the first UTAULOIDS.

Kasane Teto and VIPPALOIDS by tradition of trying of pass as CRYPTONLOIDS, Suiga Sora, Defoko, Ayane Wakana, Tomero Chii, Takoe Zuii, Utaune Nami, etc.. all of them have cryptonloid elements that were fine back then.

But now, when you use those elements after being used by THOUSANDS utauloids, they became pretty boring.

But as I commented, you can't use the same "turn-offs" of desing that we have nowdays on UTAULOIDS that were released many years ago (mainly 2008~2009); due the fact that was a different era in UTAU. Just sayin'


Momo's Minion
Mmmmmmmh, not good to be a yandere is this community XD

I mean, hey if the owner want a yandere, he made a yandere ( + His/Her UTAU can have a good design and be a yandere)
I see somewhere else that someone argued about the "impossible" hair. I guess this person is right. But sometime normal hair are a bit lame. It need to be original but not too much =w=

But for the rest i guess you guys are right. No vocaloid rip. The colors need to be accorded :U

But for most UTAUloid i saw, like 90% of the design were okay. So no worry :3


Momo's Minion
Well for me personally I hate really dark gothic designs. I don't mind the crypton formula since I have friends who design things like that all the time, but I try to avoid it when I can. Seeing designs that are a little too weird are just to tacky to me. That's only my opinion though.


Teto's Territory
> Crypton Based Designs: No matter how much you try to alter them, you're just not gonna get an original design out of it.

>Kei Styled: It is so OVERUSED. Everywhere I go, I see Kei styled Utaus! ;u; It sort of turns me away from listening to the voice.

>Street Clothes: It's too plain to me. It doesn't really give the "Utau feel", ya' know? I don't like overly designed Utaus but at the same time..I don't want generic-looking Utaus either. It has to meet somewhere in the middle.

>Nekomini: Tooo muuuch of thissss.

>Color Schemes: Sometimes they have nice, kickass designs but horrible color schemes. WHY.

>Huge Arm Warmer: DANG MAN. I've seen them huge sleeves on Tei and thought it was only to make her look cuter but DAYUM. Everyone's doing it now! More from shonen/shoujo Utaus.
At times, I don't mind.


Teto's Territory
Sukone Tei lists practically all of my pet peeves with designs except for two.

  • Oversized sleeves/armwarmers: it just feels like the designer is too lazy to draw hands (though, in Scotties' case, it may be a nod to Darkstalkers' character Hsien-Ko/Lei Lei, who is a Chinese zombie with long sleeves that are used to hide an arsenal of weapons).
  • Zettai Ryouiki: Even though hers is a type B at best, the combination between miniskirts/shortshorts and long socks/boots/stockings is getting way too overplayed even in Vocaloid. Seriously, it's just way too much.
  • Short skirts/shorts: for that matter, short skirts and short shorts in general are making me tired as well. It's an overplayed and stale resource for moe appeal. You don't need to show skin to make your design cute (that being said, I feel a sheer lack of pants of the longer lenghterings in female UTAUs).
  • Bright color + black: some designs with this color combo are very welcome to me, but some others just feel overplayed and generic. Learn how to use colors in a design, they're your friends.
  • Weird eye things: I can stand heterochromia, if it's tastefully done. When your UTAU has a cyan color scheme + heterochromia with a lime green and a fuchsia eye, I'll need a really good explanation of this design to not feel like you just made a glorified sparkledog gijinka. Sukone Tei has the freaking Sharingan. Like, dude, the Sharingan in itself is what tells everyone she's clearly a troll and a parody-Sue (in case anyone doesn't know a drop of Naruto, Sharingan is an eye-based ninja ability that belongs to only one family; said family has only two or so survivors).
  • Blatant fandom references: while we're at the Sharingan issue... Yeah. One thing is to discreetly nod some parts of your design to an existant character (like the aforementioned possible Lei Lei reference or Hoshine Stella's nod to mahou shoujo outfits, for example), I can give props to it. Other thing completely different is making a fantroll UTAU that's actually a ninja with Byakugan AND vision eightfold from Organization XIII (more like Organization MMIX amirite) and naming hir "Xakanya Spinneret Makara", for an extreme example. I've seen plenty of "fandom-based" UTAUloids out there that made me weep.
  • Yandere: yup, we went there. Seriously, if you're in love with the cliche, do it right. To be honest, Sukone Tei is one of the few yanderes I've ever seen done right. She's a good student with some funny quirks (though, the public masturbation thing might give a hint she's  not OK in the head), but wants to kill Miku because she believes Miku is in the way of her love for Len. Which goes to my last pet peeve that's included in the Scotties List...
  • Canon involvements with Vocaloids: I don't even mind if you put "my UTAUloid has a fancrush on Len" because holy crap, he/she isn't directly interacting with the Vocaloid. It's not in their canon that they must marry a commercial entity without a defined canon by themselves. Also, real singers have real fans, why not fictional singers with fictional fans? Problem is when you try to make a canon for your UTAU that disrupts the status of said Vocaloid's canon. Sukone Tei was well-playes in that she parodied Len fangirl UTAUs in a way that doesn't disrupt canon (a possibly unrequited yet dangerous crush on the boy and the desire to kill the more popular rival? OK, fine).

And the two design peeves that aren't included in Sukone Tei's trolling but peeve me anyways are these:

  • Bad color combos: I don't care if you want to rainbowbarf your UTAU, but if you're really going to do so, do it in a tasteful and contextualized manner. You can make their eyes possess heterochromia or their hair with a rainbow of colors, but if they don't look like they left an audition for Jem and the Holograms or a rave party, I'll really have a hard time to believe it's not a gijinkafied (or anthrofied, or even literal) sparkledog.
  • Rip-offs/recolors*:But that item in the list should go without saying. I even have a more than adequate reaction image for it:

(*I didn't list Scotties as a rip-off because, well, despite the overplayed Crypton elements, she still has her own design. Sorta.)

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