
Icon by Wanpuccino @ DA
Defender of Defoko
What tutorial? And is it definitely for sure ENUNU/NNSVS and not Diffsinger? (I'm sorry if this is obvious to you)


Icon by Wanpuccino @ DA
Defender of Defoko
I'm following the NNSVS Voice Database Creation Tutorial linked on the NNSVS carrd. I don't have any experience with AI voices, so I can't say for sure that it hasn't been repurposed for Diffsinger. It definitely seems like it's for NNSVS though.
That is for diffsinger primarily now. It's been renamed to be a general SVS (singing voice synthesis) guide, but it touches on a lot of diffsinger specific info and neglects a fair bit of NNSVS info since it was outdated.

For example, yeah, it doesn't go into making USTs because you don't have to for diffsinger. For diffsinger, you would separate samples into different singers for parallel training so you could use them as voice colors/"flags". If you're going with NNSVS you do definitely need USTs and will need to manually add flags. I recommend joining the NNSVS discord server if you can, it's pretty derelict these days but there are still a few knowledgable people who will answer when you have a specific tech question.
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