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Tips for voice cracks?


Momo's Minion
Thread starter
Hi, I was wondering if you have any tips for doing voice cracks in Vocaloid? Just moving the pitch up doesn't really do it, it kinda breaks the flow of the note and sounds really out of tune... I'd rather have an effect like in this song. I assume it involves making it more breathy/going into falsetto, but I'm not sure how I could do that.

I'm using V4 with Tunelab and Otomachi Una v4 spicy.


Ruko's Ruffians
Defender of Defoko
I'm not sure I 100% understand what, exactly, you mean by voice cracks. Could you isolate/clip what you're talking about?


Ruko's Ruffians
Defender of Defoko
Like when the voice rapidly goes up and down? I think that's called a crack?

Aaaaaaahhhhh, okay I get it now. I don't know what the vocal term for it actually is, but it's just a more extreme pitchbend from what I can hear.

Here's some examples:

Having each side of the bend smoothed out, and then going down lower before letting the notes actual pitch form can make it sound more extreme/squeaky (or the inverse of lower leading into higher). That being said, if you want it like the example and insanity you'd do better with a '''''solid''''' pitchbend with little-to-no smoothing in or out, like so:

(though more drastic, as even with my PBS set as high as it is here, it's still more subtle compared to what you're looking for)


And also for staring/post-Sil notes you can put down one to three small notes like that 't' to counter-balance the pitchbend(s) and/or enhance their strength. If doing it with vowels then chaining the notes like ( 'a' '-' 'a' ) or ( 'a' '-' '- a' ) will make it sssslightly smoother. But, that also depends on the voice. I can't say what Una reacts best to as i don't have her, so you'll have to experiment (which I suggest just in general when it comes to tuning vocaloids) with her voice(s) and chaining.

Adjusting PBS/Pitchbend Strength will make them more noticeable as well, though be careful with it because it can also make the notes sound out of tune lol

I've never used tunelab before either, so I can't say what you need to or should do to achieve certain tuning styles. Hopefully this all makes some sense, though, and can translate to your tuning method of choice orz

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