tools not working


Momo's Minion
for the past few weeks, the tools in my utau program haven't been working. everytime i select wavtool4vcv or doppeltler09 in the tools, no sound will play from my utaus. but when i select the "use resempler.dll" box, sound plays, using plugins that i do not want to use. i've uninstalled and reinstalled both the tools and the voicebanks and nothing's working. everything is in the correct folders, too. i really need help, i want to post some covers soon :sad:


UtaForum power user
Defender of Defoko
Were they working normally before? Did you make any changes to your computer or the files since then?


Momo's Minion
Thread starter
Were they working normally before? Did you make any changes to your computer or the files since then?
hi, sorry for the late response (i'm not on the website often)
yes, they were working perfectly normal before and now it has stopped working completely and i'm not sure why. i uninstalled and reinstalled UTAU twice but i still have the exact same errors. here's a video of what's happening. i'm using wavtool4vcv and TIPS.
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